January 11, 2022


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Region 4’s Digital Learning Department would like to offer our support for this school year. Join us virtually on October 26th from 4:30–5:00 to hear more about the Digital Learning Department’s Professional Development opportunities.
Register in advance to be eligible to win a free Region 4 2022 Digital Learning Conference registration!
Enhance Classroom Instruction with the Power of Digital Learning!
Explore innovative workshops, conferences, and special events on a variety of digital learning topics designed to enhance your classroom in a traditional or virtual environment. For more information about these professional learning opportunities, e-mail
NEW! Blended Learning Roadmapping (Online) Packing for The Journey [Self-Paced Course]
Strengthen blended learning knowledge by engaging in an in-depth exploration of the instructional strategy from beginning to end. Through this journey participants will strengthen and develop skills to support their utilization of blended learning in any classroom or content area.

NEW! Blended Learning Roadmapping Series
Region 4's "Blended Learning Roadmapping" series of flexible and customizable courses provides support designed to assist campuses/districts in implementing the blended learning instructional methodology.
In this illuminating series, attendees will learn the basics of blended learning (or get a refresher), be equipped with research based digital strategies, strengthen their use of digital resources/tools, learn about copyright and fair use, and learn to navigate the blended learning environment like a pro.
Because sessions are customizable, we are able to support you whether you are just beginning the blended learning journey, have successfully implemented the methodolgy, or you are anywhere in between!
Sessions Include:
- Foundations of Blended Learning for Administrators
- The Administrator's Guide to Assessing The Blended Learning Classroom (Traditional or Remote)
- Shifting Gears: Virtual Blended Learning
- What is Blended Learning?
- Blended Learning Best Practices in the K12 Classroom
- Let's Get Ready to Blend-Setting Up a Blended Learning Environment
- Managing The Blended Learning Classroom
- Is It Working? Assessing the Blended Learning Classroom
- Blended Learning Strategies for Student Engagement and Learning
- Digital Tools and OER for the Blended Learning Classroom
- Copyright, Fair Use, and OER for the K12 Classroom
- Fostering Blended Learning in a Remote Setting
Interested in Learning More?
Do you need a thought partner on a new initiative or have a question about a digital tool?
Reach out to any of us and we can assist.