
This definition of teacher residencies, co-created by Prepared To Teach under the banner of the Pathways Alliance, offers a framework for designing high-quality residencies to attract, prepare, and retain a robust and diverse teaching workforce.
This two-page document summarizes research into the financial realities of aspiring teachers and examines opportunities for all teacher candidates to access quality preparation.
Fourteen programs share how they have used creative staffing structures to both support schools’ instructional needs and provide funding to candidates during clinical practice.
This document details the opportunity that states and districts have to leverage Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) to develop teacher residency programs.
Simple Shifts discusses how partnerships can design residencies so that candidates fill some school-based instructional needs and receive compensation for their efforts.
The Residency Revolution lays out ways districts can shift their funding structures, allocating funds in new ways to permanently embed residency funding into their local budgets.  
The Affordability Imperative details opportunities that preparation programs have to maximize access to financial resources, reducing costs that are often associated with attending a quality preparation program.
A strong instructional model during teacher residencies ensures P-12 students receive maximum learning supports during the residency year. This brief report offers the basics for designing co-teaching residencies.
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