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Superintendent Planning Calendar
Monthly Reminders
August 2024
Publish notice of public meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate (at least 10 days before meeting).
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate.
Hold meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate.
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate.
Hold meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate on or before August 31.*
Hold district and campus SBDM committee elections (TEC § 11.252–3).
Distribute/publish Notification of Parents' Rights (TEC § 26.0081).
Distribute copies of TEC Chapter 37 and local discipline policies to professional staff (TEC § 37.018).
Review Student Code of Conduct.
Establish at least one parent-teacher organization at each school (TEC § 26.001(e)).
Evaluate district decision-making and planning policies every 2 years (TEC § 11.252(d)).
Develop MOU with juvenile board for districts in counties of more than 125,000 by September I (TEC § 37.011(k)).*
Prepare final budget amendments for prior year.*
Call trustee election (for November).*
Adopt teacher appraisal calendar.*
PEG List released on August 15.
Accountability appeals window opens August 15.
Plan Fall annual Title 1 meetings for all Title 1 campuses.
Route Services Report (RSR) due to TEA August 1.
Bus Accident Reporting System (BARS) closes August 31.
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in May.
Each school receiving Title I, Part A funds shall jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact (ESSA Section 1116 (d)).
Each school receiving Title I, Part A funds shall jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact (ESSA Section 1116 (d)).
If September FY district, submit ESSA Application by due date.
Collect Information and documentation for ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report (submission due late September)
*Requires board approval.
September 2024
Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections.
Review pledged securities.
Prepare for annual financial audit.
Publish name, address, and phone number of Title IX coordinator and complaint procedures.
Publish order of trustee election and notice of elections for November.*
Conduct annual review of investment policies.
Establish Local Health Education Advisory Council (TEC § 38.058).
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in May.
Notification of Application for Bilingual/ESL Waiver Request due November 1.
Identify date for renewal of teacher contracts.
ESSER/ESSA PNP Affirmation of Consultation submitted September 30 in ESSA Reports (TEAL) submission in new PNP WorkApp found in the Smartsheets WorkApp.
ESSA Compliance Report due to TEA September 30.
If September FY district, submit ESSA Application by due date.
ESSA grant application due September 1.
Conduct annual Title 1, Part A Meeting (flexible meetings, 2 different days and times).
Emergency Operation Plan Review. Texas State School Safety Center (TxSSC) site opens.
School districts 3-year security audit due September 15.
2024 accountability appeals window closes on September 12.
2024 preliminary RDA data available in TEAL.
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in May.
All public school districts and charter schools must be in compliance with School Safety Standards by September 1.
LEA 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report (July 29 to September 30) due September 30.
LEA 2024–2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application (May 20 to September 3) due September 3.
TxSSC will request Multi-Hazard EOP Basic Plan and Cybersecurity Annex documents from all school districts and open-enrollment charter schools on Monday, September 23. The deadline to submit is October 23.
*Requires board approval.
Conference Dates
Texas Suicide Prevention Symposium: September 18–19, Mesquite
2024 National Summit on K–12 School Safety and Security, Virtual
TASA/TASB Convention: September 27–29, San Antonio
October 2024
Public Hearing: School district's FIRST accountability rating.
Calculate state aid using end-of-first-six-weeks student data.
Train election judge(s)/clerk(s).
Prepare Transportation Operations Report (due in December).
Report trustee training hours (last regular meeting before November trustee elections).
Post by October 1:
Performance rating of districts and each of their campuses
Financial accountability rating assigned to each district
The superintendent oath should be submitted via TIDE in the fall before any state-required testing begins.
Annual District Testing Coordinator training
Emergency Operation Plan Submission due October 23.
Web-based TIP submission due in ISAM by October 27 for all School Improvement-engaged campuses.
Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) district reports (confidential) released in October.
Annual Title I meeting (if not discussed in September).
Periodically evaluate district improvement plans and PFE programs and activities. Best practice is to conduct quarterly reviews.
Conference Dates
Parent and Family Statewide Conference: October 16–18, Houston
TASB Conference for Administrative Professionals: October 24–25, Austin
Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (ACET): October 29–November 1, Houston
November 2024
Conduct trustee election.
Canvas trustee election results.*
Provide Statement of Oath of Office.
Reorganize board of trustees.*
Submit electronic copies of the audit report to TEA (June 30 FY).
Prepare audit report with TEA (150 days from end of budget year June 30 FY).
Prepare Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (June 30 FY).
Preliminary longitudinal cohorts updated (TEAL).
Title 1, Part A Comparability Report due to TEA.
2024 Leaver Data Validation Report (TEAL)
2024 RDA reports with determination levels available.
The superintendent oath should be submitted via TIDE in the fall before any state-required testing begins.
TCEQ Annual Tier II Report opens November 1 (30 TAC § 325.3).
*Requires board approval.
Conference Dates
Texas Assessment Conference: November 4–6, Round Rock
Association for Migrant Educators of Texas 2024 Annual State Conference: November 20–22, Corpus Christi
December 2024
Approve independent audit report (for district fiscal year ending August 31).*
Submit Transportation Operations Report electronically December 1 (TEC § 48.151).
2023 Discipline Data Validation report (TEAL)
School District Fire Self-Assessment due December 30 (Harris County Districts only).
2024 final ratings released.
2023–2024 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) released.
2023–2024 School Report Card released.
2023–2024 F4ederal Report Card released.
Final Expenditure Report and Revised Final Expenditure Report due for all ESSA programs on December 29.
First Semester Safety and Security Committee due December 31.
*Requires board approval.
State Assessments
STAAR® EOC (Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History) Window: December 3–13
Make-up sessions must be completed by December 13.
January 2025
Conduct administrator evaluations (T-PESS midyear progress meeting).
Review implementation of district/campus improvement plans.
Notification to parents of eligibility for Public Education Grants by February 1 (TEC § 29.204(b)).
Recognize board members for service (School Board Recognition Month).
Approve Independent Audit Report.
Submit electronic copies of the Annual Financial Auditor's Report (due 150 days from end of fiscal year ending August 31).
Develop and recommend school calendar.
Begin budget preparations/budget calendar.
Complete semiannual certifications for first semester (July–December).
NAEP Assessment Window is in late January through March for selected campuses.
December STAAR® EOC results available in January.
Complete local orientation for trustees elected in November.
Earlier releases evaluate district needs, improvement plan, and PFE programs and activities.
Conference Dates
Texas Council of Women School Executives (TCWSE) Annual Conference: January 24–26, Austin
TASA Midwinter Conference: January 26–29, Austin
February 2025
Bid for depository contract (odd years).
Call trustee election (for May).*
Recommend administrator contracts.*
Calculate state aid using end-of-fourth-six-weeks student data.
Calculate enrollment projections.
Develop schedule for Public Schools Week.
Develop and recommend summer school plans.*
Approval of external auditors.*
Deadline to notify parents of campuses identified under PEG criteria for the 2024–2025 school year is February 1.
IDC Rate Proposal submitted to TEA.
NAEP Assessment Window is open through March for selected campuses.
Web-based TIP progress submission due in ISAM by February 16 (TIPS must have Board approval by this date).
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in November.
Amend ESSA application for carryover amount.
*Requires board approval.
Conference Dates
Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) Annual Conference: February 17–20, San Antonio
National ESEA Conference: February 19–21, Austin and Online
TASB Conference for Administrative Professionals: February 20–21, Austin
TASBO Engage Annual Conference: February 24–28, Austin
State Assessments
TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate Window: February 17–March 28
March 2025
Develop campus performance objectives (SBDM Committees)—include comprehensive needs assessment.
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in November.
Publish order of trustee election and notice of election.*
Continue budget process.
Parent Notification of 2023–2024 Federal Report Cards.
Approve 2-year depository contracts (odd years).*
TCEQ Tier II Report due March 1 (30 TAC §325.3).
Amend ESSA application for carryover amount.
*Requires board approval.
Conference Dates
TASB Governance Camp: March 5–8, Galveston
2025 GCA Institute, March 4–6, Austin
AASA National Conference on Education: March 6–8, New Orleans
Title I, Part A Compliance Academy: March 26–27, Corpus Christi
State Assessments
STAAR® Alternate 2 Preview Window: March 3–April 18
STAAR® Alternate 2 Assessment Window: March 17–April 18
TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate Window: February 17–March 28
NAEP Assessment Window is open through March for selected campuses.
April 2025
Continue budget process.
Continue to develop campus improvement plan (SBDM Committees).
Train election judge(s)/clerk(s).
Conduct board self-evaluation and identify improvement areas.
Report trustee training hours (last regular meeting before May trustee elections).
Review and develop salary schedules.
Begin District and Campus Program Evaluations/Comprehensive Needs Assessment.
Spring Title I meeting to evaluate PFE programs for all Title I campuses
Conference Dates
National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education Conference: TBD, California
Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (ACET): April 22–25, Houston
State Assessments
STAAR® Alternate 2 Assessment Window: March 17–April 18
STAAR® Grades 3–8 RELA, English I and English II EOC Window: April 8–18
STAAR® Grades 5 and 8 Science, Grade 8 Social Studies, Biology, and U.S. History Window: April 15–25
STAAR® Grades 3–8 Mathematics and Algebra I Window: April 22–May 2
May 2025
Conduct trustee election.
Canvas trustee election results.*
Provide Statement of Office and Oath of Office.
Reorganize board of trustees.*
Establish summer central office hours.
Complete federal programs evaluations/begin Comprehensive Needs Assessment.
Continue budget process.
Review and identify areas for board training.
Review/amend Student Code of Conduct.
Solicit input from district/campus committees regarding number and length of written reports required (TEC §11.164).
Complete teacher evaluations before the last ten days of instruction.*
Notify teachers of contract renewal/nonrenewal no later than the tenth day before the last day of instruction.
STAAR® 3–8 reports available in June.
Fiscal Compliance Academy
Complete federal programs evaluations. Begin Comprehensive Needs Assessment (federal programs, including CTE and PFE).
Update/revise district's written PFE Policy and the PFE Policy for all campuses receiving Title I funds.
Update the School Parent Compact for the upcoming year.
Complete SC5003 to open the available ESSA Consolidated Application.
Schedule date(s) and prepare to seek public comment on the ESSA Consolidated Application.
Second semester School Safety and Security Committee due.
*Requires board approval.
State Assessments
STAAR® Alternate 2, TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate reports available in May.
STAAR® End-of-Course results available in May.
June 2025
Complete SC5003 to open the available ESSA Consolidated Application.
Schedule date(s) and prepare to seek public comment on the ESSA Consolidated Application.
Schedule budget workshops.
For districts ending fiscal year in June:
Publish notice of public meeting to discuss budget and propose tax rate
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to discuss budget and propose tax rate
Hold meeting to discuss budget and propose tax rate
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate
Hold meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate on or before June 30
Final amendment of ESSA Consolidated Application due.
Select depository contract (due to TEA).*
Calculate state aid earned using end-of-year student data.
Renew Child Nutrition Program Application Agreement (due July 1).
Submit Route Service Report (due August 1).
Plan for TASA/TASB Convention registration.
Review Board Operating Procedures
Designation of official board-voting delegate and alternate to TASB Delegate Assembly.
Spring STAAR® 3–8 reports available in June.
Spring STAAR® EOC reports available in June.
TEA Safe and Supportive Schools Program (SSSP) data reporting window: June 1–30
*Requires board approval.
Conference Dates
TEPSA Summer Conference, June 10–12, Round Rock
TASB Summer Leadership Institute: June 11–14, San Antonio
TASSP Summer Workshop: June 12–14, Austin
TASB Summer Leadership Institute: June 18–21, Fort Worth
ASCD Annual Conference: June 29–July 2, San Antonio
State Assessment
STAAR® Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and U.S. History EOC Assessment Window: June 17–27
July 2025
Run district estimate of state aid for next school year with certified tax roll figures.
Pressure test natural gas piping (every 2 years).
Conduct board budget meeting(s).
Develop calendar for teacher appraisal and designate second appraiser(s).*
Review administrator appraisal calendar.
Recommend student insurance carrier.*
Open ESSA consolidated compliance report.
Complete semiannual certifications for second semester (January–June).
ESSA Consolidated Application due July 1 if any 12-month employees paid with grant funds, including CTE. District must seek public comment on the ESSA Consolidated Application before submission and keep documentation locally
Publish Annual Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Program prior to the first day of school.
Complete local orientation for trustees elected in May.
Bus Accident Reporting System (BARS) opens.
Third School Safety and Security Committee due.
*Requires board approval.
August 2025
Publish notice of public meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate (at least 10 days before meeting).
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate.
Hold meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate.
Post 72-hour notice of meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate.
Hold meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate on or before August 31.*
Hold district and campus SBDM committee elections (TEC § 11.252–3).
Distribute/publish Notification of Parents' Rights (TEC § 26.0081).
Distribute copies of TEC Chapter 37 and local discipline policies to professional staff (TEC § 37.018).
Review Student Code of Conduct.
Establish at least one parent-teacher organization at each school (TEC § 26.001(e)).
Evaluate district decision-making and planning policies every 2 years (TEC § 11.252(d)).
Develop MOU with juvenile board for districts in counties of more than 125,000 by September I (TEC § 37.011(k)).*
Prepare final budget amendments for prior year.*
Call trustee election (for November).*
Adopt teacher appraisal calendar.*
District and campus accountability ratings released.
Plan Fall annual Title 1 meetings.
Route Services Report (RSR) due to TEA August 1.
Bus Accident Reporting System (BARS) closes August 31.
Orientation to the TEC and Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes training deadline for new trustees elected in May.
*Requires board approval.