Super Tools for Teachers


Classrooms today use a variety of technology from educational tech to BYOD to assistive technology. Students and teachers need to read and write with a variety of print materials. Learn how to make text accessible for text-to-speech readers, convert paper text to digital, write on PDF documents, and more.

Click on the links below for the just-in-time video and handout!

Access on the Fly to Printed Materials, video
Access on the Fly to Printed Materials, handout



Sites for Apps Reviewed by Professionals

Find the best app for academic tasks! Organizations that review apps appropriate for learning are included in our list of links. All sites use professional reviewers (teachers, technology specialists, librarians, and related consultants). App reviews are available for Apple®, Google®, Microsoft®, and Android® devices.



Provided by Region 4 Education Service Center
These sites contain reviews of apps by educators, institutions, and organizations.

APPEd Review
This website includes reviews for hundreds of apps and 1,500 instructional videos, plus searches by operating system, subject, grade, and price. Extensive ratings of apps include items such as ease of use, rigor, flexibility, interactivity, ability to save progress, and many other ratings. App review, instructional ideas for using the app, and an overall rating are included.



Educators Technology and Mobile Learning
Site features app descriptions; related resources; articles; ed tech resources; resources for using Google Drive for Teachers; search for iPad®, Android®, Chrome® apps and extensions; extensive how-to articles embedded with app listings; and screenshots.



Common Sense Media

Site includes a rating system for app reviews by subject, grade, pricing, and the pros and cons of the app; ideas for how teachers might use it; skills addressed by the app; cost; and platforms. The app is available at



TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association)

Site lists apps in categories such as math, science, social studies, special needs, interactive books, etc., and by primary, elementary, secondary, and teacher/administrator, etc. Look for resources under the professional development tab. Annual membership of $49 is required.



American Association of School Librarians

These apps are reviewed by a committee and include grade levels, cost, links to the sites, download platforms, and quick tips for using the apps. Topic lists include books, STEM, organization and management, social science, and content creation. This site also lists its best app recommendations
for previous years.



Search on this site by age range (ages 3–8), by subject or price. Reviews feature screenshots of the app and links for download. The educational blog on site includes more extensive write-ups.



Browse for apps by category (bottom of page), platform, subject, and age. Each reviewed app has a video or slideshow of the app in use. Reviews include price, platforms, related subjects, and learning curve. Search includes the ability to search by name.



Lesson Planet
All of the apps listed for iPad® and Android® are teacher-reviewed. Reviews include an overview of the app, cost, subject matter, and other related resources, including download sites.



Free Technology for Teachers
This is an excellent site with continuous updates on new apps, reviewed apps, ideas for using, apps for all 

platforms, subjects, and areas.  


Also by the same site: 

iPad Apps for School—Search by category on this site, which offers free technology guides and other tutorials. 




OT's with Apps & Technology
This site features listings of related hardware for iPads® such as stands, styluses, cases, etc., in organized forms to print, download, or read online. It offers in-depth app reviews and related apps. It also offers a search feature to find specific apps, related articles and apps, pricing, screenshots of the app, and more.



This site currently has over 1,900 app reviews by therapists with a focus on apps for students with special 

needs. The reviews are searchable by keyword, category, age, price, skill, TEKS, grade level, and more. Review information includes ratings, app features, user comments, and how the app can be used. This is a program of Easter Seals Disability Services.



Educational App Store    
This site features a filtered search for platform, pricing, categories, and ages. It has comprehensive reviews with screenshots, 

more about the app, learning outcomes, similar apps, ratings, and direct links to app stores for download or information. App listings by categories include special needs, communication, motor skills, and more.




This site's app recommendations are for mobile devices including Chromebook®, iPad®, Android®, and laptop devices. 

Search includes an extensive category listing including screencast, interact with another computer, create books, read and take notes, record and edit video, improve organization, and more. Search results list price, ease of use, usefulness rating, and where to download the app. This is a comprehensive site when looking for apps across many platforms.



Extensive apps listings by category, age, education, ratings, and device, including Nook. Ratings include quality, education, value, and child friendly. Features of the reviews include price, links to app store, whether the app has in-app purchase links, external links, or third-party ads, comments by users, and screenshots of apps.



More Sites with Resources for Apps


On this site you will find comparison charts for apps, devices, app reviews, resource guides, tips and tricks, and more.



At LiveBinders, educators compile, in an electronic binder format, resources and links from other websites, including the homepage or pages from awebsite, which can be viewed within the binder without going to the site. Binders are set up with tabs for different categories, making it easy to browse through information. By signing in (free) you can search for binders that other educators have assembled that contain links to review sites, or binders with reviews/listings of apps for specific categories. LiveBinders is a good resource when looking for apps on specific topics, such apps for video modeling, apps for autism, Android® apps for writing, etc., and it has its own rating system by users on usefulness of each binder and number of views.


Kathy Schrock's iPads4Teaching

This website features tips, tricks, and ideas for using educational technology in support of classroom instruction.

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