Texas Lesson Study

Texas Lesson Study (TXLS) is inquiry-based, systematic professional development. Our program is
  • job-embedded,
  • collaborative and complementary to Professional Learning Communities (PLCs),
  • closely connected to classroom practice,
  • focused on student learning,
  • a process for internalizing and testing high-quality instructional materials through action-research.

Texas Lesson Study is a framework for collaborative instructional research and lesson internalization that can be implemented by all campuses. The construct of Lesson Study groups can vary based on the campus size and needs.
The purpose of Lesson Study is to help teachers improve their effectiveness, share best practices with other teachers, improve student outcomes, and provide a platform to demonstrate mastery within the teaching profession.
TXLS is a grant initiative by the Texas Education Agency. A TXLS Facilitator from the ESC will use an apprenticeship model to build capacity in school staff to conduct TXLS cycles (2-year implementation funded by the grant.)

Benefits of Texas Lesson Study
  • Includes processes for action research and reflection around instructional strategies found within HQIM or research-based district/campus goals
  • Provides space and structure for teams of teachers to internalize and implement HQIM
  • Improves teacher effectiveness through self-reflective, structured, outcome-oriented, learning communities
  • Aligns with and serves as a vehicle for other TEA, district, or campus initiatives to maximize support
  • Leverages Region 4 and TEA resources so that teams may participate at little to no cost to the campus


The TXLS Cycle
  • TXLS teams meet weekly to internalize and reflect on HQIM lessons
  • ESC TXLS staff utilize a gradual release model to train, support, and coach LEAs in becoming self-sustained PLCs (2-year implementation support funded by the grant)
  • Varied levels of support are available based on campus needs


How does TXLS Connect to T-TESS?
Each T-TESS domain directly aligns with the phases of the Lesson Study Cycle. 
Below is a snapshot of the alignment. 

1.2 Analysis of student data connected to specific instructional strategies and use of results to reflect on his or her teaching and to monitor teaching strategies and behaviors in relation to student success

  • Determines “Points of Evaluation” in the lesson which connect to specific instructional strategies
  • Reviews collected data to reflect and critically examine his or her practice

2.2 Displays extensive content knowledge of all the subjects she or he teaches and closely related subjects

  • Researches key concepts underlying the topic and considers content connections

2.2 Consistently anticipates possible student misunderstandings and proactively develops teaching techniques to mitigate concerns

  • Identifies anticipated student responses and misunderstandings, and proactively plans the research lesson to mitigate concerns 

2.4 Consistently monitors the quality of student participation and performance

  • Observes students during live teaching
  • Collects qualitative data on the learning process



For more information about the Texas Lesson Study, e-mail Becky Berdoll or call 713.744.6507. You may also find additional information at texaslessonstudy.org
Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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