Texas Strategic Leadership

Texas Strategic Leadership (TSL) provides customized executive coaching and cohort experience opportunities to superintendents and their leadership teams seeking to deeply engage in the Effective District Framework (EDF).  Through TSL, district leadership will utilize research-based best practices to design systems that will enhance the overall student experience.  Superintendents and their leadership teams will partner with a Region 4 TSL coach in the development of a tailored...
Texas Strategic Leadership logo
  • Landscape Analysis illustrating the current state of the district.
  • Strategic Plan with prioritized, research-based strategies to pursue.
  • High-level Plan for implementation, performance management, systems alignment to execute priorities.
  • Forward movement on stakeholder alignment, change management.


Goal of TSL

Design district systems to achieve the envisioned student experience.
  • Student outcomes are driven by a rigorous, supportive student experience.
  • The student experience is delivered at the campus-level, which requires aligned campus-level systems, which are driven and supported by aligned district-level system.

Why TSL? 

Origin of Core Ideas:
  • District Leaders must be systems thinkers.
  • Everyone needs a coach.
  • Today's superintendency demands courageous, strategic leadership.



Texas Strategic Leadership Executive Leadership Coach
Dr. Miguel Perez
Dolores A Treviño
Texas Strategic Leadership Performance Management Data Coach



Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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