Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA)

TIMA (formerly IMA) Funds 101
Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA) funds can be utilized to purchase instructional materials; technological equipment; certain related software, systems, and services; and salaries for specific technical support employees. Specifications are described in the Texas Education Code (Chapter 31) and Texas Administrative Code § 66.1307 (see below).
Districts (includes open-enrollment charter schools) are entitled to an allotment amount. This amount is determined by The Commissioner of Education biennially and based upon legislative appropriation. Funding becomes available after Septemner 1st of each odd-numbered year and the allotment is accessed through the Educational Materials System (EMAT). 
19 Tex. Admin. Code § 66.1307*
Each school district's or open-enrollment charter school's allotment funds must be expended according to the following priorities established in the Texas Education Code (TEC), § 31.0211:
(1) first, instructional materials necessary to permit the school district or open-enrollment charter school to certify that the school district or open-enrollment charter school has instructional materials that cover all elements of the essential knowledge and skills of the required curriculum, other than physical education, for each grade level as required by the TEC, § 28.002; and
(2) then, any other instructional materials or allowed technological equipment.


*NOTE: House Bill 3261 (87th Legislature) removed the language in the law that required districts to purchase instructional materials before they can spend their Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA) on technology. For more information about HB 3261, please visit the Resources and Support section. 



About The Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA)- Historical Background

In 2011, Texas' 82nd Legislature passed Senate Bill 6 to create the Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA). To better reflect the duality that exists with respect to the use of the allotment, in 2017, the 85th Legislature changed the name of the allotment to the Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA). The funds are to be utilized by Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to purchase instructional materials and technology to support teaching and learning. The expectation is that items purchased consist of those that will be used to: (1) Equip educators to provide instruction that is aligned with the curriculum established by the State Board of Education (SBOE) as outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS); and, (2) Equip students as they engage in the process of learning. 



Why Technology Was Added

Technology was added to IMA in 2017 due to the realization by lawmakers and advocates that there was a shift in the way that content could be delivered. This shift meant that content was increasingly becoming available in both print and digital format. The transition from "IMA" to "TIMA" was designed to provide LEAs with the flexibility needed to deliver content in the way that they deemed most feasible.  Senate Boll 6 combined the funding that was set aside for technology (The Technology Allotment) with the funding that was set aside for textbooks (Instructional Materials Allotment). 



Changes Coming!

The Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment will be getting a (slightly) new name. TIMA will be renamed, "Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment". 



Resources & Support


Getting To Know TIMA- Uses (Includes Updates)


TIMA-  Funding


Navigating TIMA- An Extensive Overview (with links)


Allowable Instructional Materials


Allowable Technology Services and Equipment


Allowable Salary Examples


Expenditures That Are NOT Allowed

Have a question or need Technology & Instructional Materials Allotment support? For more information please contact Dr. Allegra McGrew.


TIMA Access for the 2021-2022 School Year


Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment 2022–2023 Biennial Allotment (School Years 2021–22 and 2022–23) 


Allotment Disbursement Requests


Adoption Cycle for Foundation and Enrichment Subjects


Proclamation 2022


Proclamation 2022 Q&A


Proclamation 2021


Currently Adopted Instructional Materials


Publisher and Depository Contact Information


Review & Adoption Breakout Documents


EMAT Training


The Review & Adoption Process


Update and Substitution Requests


Instructional Materials Emergency Assistance


Returning Accessible Materials


Multiple List Codes for School Year 2021-2022




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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