Local Designation System (LDS)


The development, implementation, and maintenance of a LDS is a robust process and experience that districts do not have to embark on, nor continue alone. As your District Advancement Champions the Educator Excellence team at Region 4 has everything you need! We are pleased to offer you contracted services, micro-bundles, and professional development. Contracted services and micro-bundles may include any type of support within the five specialty categories, including General TIA Support, Teacher Observation,  Student Growth Measures, Data Analysis, and Spending and Strategic Compensation. Please see below for more information and please use the service request form or send us an e-mail to discuss how we develop a customized plan that meets your needs.


Contact Us

leila cubrielMonica Ibanezadrienne towns




app-assist Contracted Services


bundled  Micro-Bundled Services
managementiconsin-personprofessionallearningk-copy Professional Development

We partner with districts to provide more than 12 hours of structured moderate to extensive technical assistance support. Our partners receive access to Region 4 crafted resources including a customized timeline for the work necessary to accomplish your district’s LDS goals.


We offer à la carte-focused solutions through technical assistance services. These are customizable packages that range from three to twelve hours of support. This option provides you with the flexible, specialized, and just-in-time support you need when you need it!
T-TESS: Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System
Calibrating for T-TESS
Pre-Test and Post-Test Implementation for TIA
Student Learning Objectives (SLO): Student Growth Measure for T-TESS
Portfolio Implementation for TIA




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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