Strong Foundations Framework Development Grant



Area(s) of Approved Services: Math and Literacy


Contact: Shelley Bolen-Abbott

Phone: 713.744.6521


Mailing Address: 7145 West Tidwell Rd. Houston, TX 77092



ESC Strong Foundations Team Expertise

Region 4 consists of a team of educators dedicated to strengthening student outcomes. To support continuous improvement, we provide professional learning experiences, job-embedded support, and classroom-ready resources. We collaborate with teachers, teacher leaders, campus leaders, and district leaders to improve daily classroom practices that help all students achieve success. Our math and literacy teams are knowledgeable resources for high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and research-based instructional strategies (RBIS). Our math team developed the content for the TEA Math Achievement Academies and have trained trainers in all 20 Texas regions to provide this professional learning. Our literacy team has supported over 7,600 educators in over 55 LEAs through the TEA Reading Academies.  


Approach for Providing Service for Grant

In service to LEAs, our team focuses on both processes and outcomes. We support LEAs as they plan to address and complete the assurances within the grant. As co-facilitators of this work, we support the creation of the roadmap; the development of communication strategies; and the provision of collective learning that result in a math and/or literacy framework. The end result is a framework that is actionable for all educators and comprehensible for all stakeholders.


More information about this grant may be found on the Texas Education Agency website.




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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