Early Childhood Intervention




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Has Your Child Just Been Diagnosed With Hearing Loss?
Are You Wondering What You Should Do Next? Let Us Help!

She said "they want to be and they can be successful, so lets support and celebrate them"About Our Program:

The program's belief is that all communication options are available to the family and are explored in an unbiased and neutral manner. To build the foundation for lifelong learning, the parent-infant advisor works with families to promote children's listening, language, and literacy skills.

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is critical in helping children with hearing loss achieve!  Learn more about ECI by watching an informational video. The video is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language. 


Locate your ECI program and call to begin a referral for services:

Easter Seals

Dena Day
713.838.9050 ext. 303
Other numbers for Easter Seals:
Fax: 713.838.9098

Referral Coordinator:

Alicia Rivas
713.838.9050 ext. 385 
Referral fax: 713.838.0926


The Harris Center
Marlene Hollier

Referral Coordinators:
Marlene Muni
Yuridce Corona
Fax: 713.970.6060/7005



Bay Area Rehabilitation
ECI: 1.800.247.3777
Fax: 281.838.4480


Not sure which ECI program is yours?  You can search for your ECI program here.


She taugth kids to love learning!

Region 4 RDSPD Parent–Infant Advisors

Houston ISD

Mirna Saucedo

Doris Calderon


Pasadena and Deer Park ISDs

Laura Cothran



Center for Disease Control and Prevention—Hearing Loss in Children

Boys Town National Research Hospital—​Getting Started with Early Intervention

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Texas School for the Deaf


The Center for Hearing and Speech


Early Childhood Intervention Programs


ECI ZIP Code List for Harris County




Marina McCormick, Ed. D., Region 4 RDSPD Coordinator  ·  713.744.6329  ·  marina.mccormick@esc4.net 1249033-hand
Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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