Galveston Bay Foundation



Region 4 Education Service Center partners with the Galveston Bay Foundation to provide students with interactive and engaging learning experiences related to Galveston Bay.


Find all of the Galveston Bay Foundation program resources by visiting their Education webpage.  They would also love your feedback on their programs!


Remember to subscribe to the Getting Smart Virtually newsletter to receive a monthly reminder about all upcoming programs. 


Follow the Galveston Bay Foundation and Region 4 Education Service Center on our social media pages!


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Galveston Bay STEM Careers: Habitat Restoration

What types of careers get you outside, let you play with cool equipment, and help people and the environment at the same time? Join Galveston Bay Foundation’s Habitat Restoration Manager, Haille Leija, at a current GBF wetland and oyster reef restoration site to learn more about this important habitat, check out some of the field gear her team uses, and how you can help! Haille will present for 15 minutes and we will have Q&A for 15 minutes. Come prepared to ask questions about her job and career background!
Presenter: Haille Leija, Habitat Restoration Manager
Location: Gessner Center, Kemah TX
Provider: Galveston Bay Foundation


Cost: Free


Audience: 5th Grade-12th Grade


TEKS: Grade 5: 1AB, 2ACDEF, 3A, 4, 9A; Grade 6: 1AB, 2ABCDE, 3A, 4A; Grade 7: 1AB, 2ABCDE, 3A, 4A, 8ABC; Grade 8: 1AB, 2ABCDE, 3A, 4A, 9C, 11ABC; Aquatic Science: 1AB, 2EFGHIJ, 3AD, 4C, 5BC, 6A, 7BC, 9ABC, 11B, 12A; Environmental Systems: 1AB, 2EFGIJK, 3A, 9BC


Please register for ONE session:

Thursday December 9, 2021

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


Thursday December 9, 2021

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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