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Texas Strategic Staffing aims to improve student performance, find, and retain excellent educators, and address hiring needs in critical vacancies by preparing teacher residents via a sustainably funded residency program that provides scaffolded preparation for residents with highly effective mentor teachers.  




  • Teacher residents receive specialized on-the-job training while simultaneously completing teacher certification requirements as they are enrolled in an EPP.
  • Teacher residents benefit districts by fulfilling specific instructional positions at the campus level while in residency, such as substitutes, long-term substitutes, tutors, team teachers, co-teaching, and providing release time.
  • Texas Strategic Staffing is a two-year process that begins with a year of Design and then a year of Implementation. Here at Region 4, we recognize that year three of any work is paramount to helping change occur. As such, we want to inform our partners that there does exist an opportunity for extending services for a third year to ensure the sustainability of Texas Strategic Staffing in your district. 





The overall process is two years in length:


Design Year


Both the University and LEA work collaboratively to establish goals, the residency model, and target stipend amounts for residents. 


Design Team members create documents like job descriptions, discuss financial avenues to explore sustainable funding, plus other key milestones.


The university and LEA jointly develop a recruiting and placement schedule for residents and mentors prior to the residency commencing


After residents and mentors have been selected and matched. integral training for all parties involved is held to the program is well understood. 



Implementation Year


Four quarterly meetings help to determine the overall impact of the residency on student achievement and resident development.


Site Coordinators and Technical Assistance Providers from EPPs and ESCs perform periodic checks throughout the year. 


Both quantitative and qualitative data is being collected throughout the implementation year that demonstrates the impact of the residency and the necessity to sustain the work.


Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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