What are 18-22 programs and services?
18-22 services are transition services available to students ages 18-22 that have completed all credit/curriculum/state assessment requirements and will be graduating under option 89.1070 (g)(4)(A-D), (b)(2) or (b)(3)(A-D). 18–22 programs may be offered in a district/school/charter in the form of a campus-based services, district-based services, or community-based services. A campus-based service/program is an age-appropriate instructional environment that is located on a high school campus. A district-based service/program is an age-appropriate instructional environment that is located on a site that is operated or owned by the school district. A community-based service/program is an age-appropriate instructional environment where the student is provided education services in their local community.
Who is eligible?
Students receiving special education services ages 18-22 that have completed all credit/curriculum/state assessment requirements and will be graduating under option 89.1070 (g)(4)(A-D), (b)(2), or (b)(3)(A-D) that require additional transition services in order to meet the requirements for graduation.
What are the age eligibility requirements?
Refer to
Commissioner’s Rule § 89.1035. Age Ranges for Student Eligibility. (a) Pursuant to state and federal law, services provided in accordance with this subchapter must be available to all eligible students ages 3-21. Graduation with a regular high school diploma pursuant to §89.1070 (b)(1), (b)(2)(D), (g)(1), (g)(2), (g)(3), or (g)(4)(D) of this title (relating to Graduation Requirements) terminates a student's eligibility to receive services in accordance with this subchapter. An eligible student receiving special education services who is 21 years of age on September 1 of a school year will be eligible for services through the end of that school year or until graduation with a regular high school diploma pursuant to §89.1070 (b)(1), (b)(2)(D), (g)(1), (g)(2), (g)(3), or (g)(4)(D) of this title, whichever comes first.
Are flexible schedules allowed?
Yes. All transition services and programs for students receiving special education services ages 18-22 should be individualized based on the student’s specific postsecondary needs relative to a successful transition to their adult life. Attendance should be documented based on the options available in the
Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (ex. ADA Code 1 – Full-Day Attendance, ADA Code 2 – Half-Day Attendance, ADA Code 0 – Enrolled, Not in Membership).
Can students request to return to school for special education services after graduation?
For students who receive a diploma according to subsections (b)(2), (b)(3)(A), (B), or (C) or (g)(4)(A), (B), or (C) of 89.1070, the ARD committee must determine needed educational services upon the request of the student or parent to resume services, as long as the student meets the age eligibility requirements. These rules are found in TAC 89.1070 (j).
Which curricula are used for students in 18-22 services?
For students who require additional training and support in order to achieve their postsecondary goals, it is recommended to focus on the gaps that exist between the student's transition from school to adult life in relation to the postsecondary goals. In order to determine the barriers that exist in the transition to adult life, an appropriate transition assessment should be completed with the student and/or family that helps develop the plan for adult life with input from all stakeholders. This can be done with different tools and assessments that use a person-centered approach. However, the overall goal should be to determine as many details as possible about what the adult student's day will look like post-school and then develop a list of skills and supports needed to help the student get as close to that adult schedule as possible prior to graduation/exit.
Dr. Theresa Cortney