TCMPC TEKS Resource System




Implementation Support and Professional Development


Region 4 provides high-quality support for the Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC)—TEKS Resource System. Through collaboration with district and school administrators, our TEKS Resource System team supports implementation based on each district or charter’s needs. Region 4 specialists provide support to campus staff by guiding the study of Year at a Glance (YAG), Vertical Alignment Document (VAD), and Instructional Focus Document (IFD) in each of the core content areas to implement best practices and instructional strategies. Region 4 specialists are available to answer questions about the application of these documents specific to local curriculum needs.

Need additional help with differentiation for students with special needs or help with advanced academics? Let our specialized staff provide the support needed for a successful year. For more information on TEKS Resource System support, please e-mail



Helpful Links:


The Support Resources and Activities Collection previously located in the TEKS Resource System is now in each corresponding Pacing Tool on the Implementing TEKS Resource System website.


TEKS Resource System website



TEKS Curriculum Management
Program Cooperative


Implementing TEKS RS website



Upcoming Workshops


TEKS Resource System Team
To reach one of our specialists, use the contact information below. For general questions, e-mail


suzannesymmsSuzanne Symms
Education Specialist II
K–2, Self-Contained



latonyaamboree-copyLaTonya Amboree
Senior Education Specialist
Social Studies




Lindsey Curiel

Education Specialist




stephanie-sneadStephanie Snead

Education Specialist

Literacy and Language



pattinicodemoPatti Nicodemo

Education Specialist II


Save the Date!




TEKS Resource System is excited to present the 2024 TEKS Resource System Curriculum Conference (TEKSCON 2024) July 9–11, 2024.  Click the link above  for more information. 


Early-bird pricing is happening now!


Jump into collaborative workshops with superstars from across Texas, bump shoulders with the crew that develops the TEKS Resource System and Texas Curriculum Resources, amplify your teaching skills with resources in our exhibit hall and shape the future of Texas Education.


Join the headliner Jam Session at TEKSCon! Get ready for an electrifying keynote with Hal Bowman and prepare for your 2024–2025 school year tour where you Teach Like a Rockstar.


Get your backstage pass to three days of excellence in Texas education!


Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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