Have Questions?
Educational Specialists, Danette Thornton and Robin Ross, provide technical assistance and training for Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D; and Private School Equitable Services. Contact one of our specialists for assistance:
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Title 1, Part A provides supplemental funding to state and local educational agencies to acquire additional education resources at schools serving high concentrations of students from low-income homes. These resources are used to improve the quality of education programs and ensure students from low-income families have opportunities to meet challenging state assessments.
Title I, Part A schools implement either a School-wide program or a Targeted Assistance program. Both Title I, Part A models — School=wide and Targeted Assistance — use evidence-based methods and instructional strategies.
Title 1, Part D funds are dedicated to improving educational services to children in facilities for the neglected or delinquent. The goal is to enable program recipients to meet the same student performance standards that all children in the state are expected to meet. Improved academic performance will facilitate the transition of students from correctional programs to further education or employment.
“Private school equitable services” refers to the process of providing students, teachers, staff, and families at eligible private schools’ fair access to federally funded education programs and services, as appropriate.
Title I, Part A Statewide Initiatives
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) believes that meaningful partnerships between schools, families, and communities are the foundation of effective schools and critical to a child’s educational well-being. It is further grounded in the belief that parents, families, educators, and community members work together as full partners, hold themselves mutually accountable, and have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed in achievement for all students.
The purpose of this program is to provide sustained support and work cooperatively with Title I, Part A and Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 campuses in implementing Title I, Part A and Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 programs to increase the opportunity for all students in meeting the State’s content and student performance standards. This grant provides services and resources for ESCs and LEAs statewide.