Texas Council for the Social Studies
TCSS benefits include conferences, nationally-known speakers, technology training, subscription to Social Studies Texan, lesson plans, book reviews, reviews of SBOE selected texts, teacher recognition, scholarships, TEA curriculum information, NCSS affiliation, PDAS recognition, publishing opportunities, legislative updates, workshops, professional development, networking, and local councils.
National Council for the Social Studies
Social studies educators teach students the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to provide leadership, service, and support for all social studies educators.
Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association
The Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association promotes the common interest of social studies supervisors in curriculum, instruction, assessment, materials, research, and teacher training.
National Social Studies Supervisors Association
NSSSA promotes the common interest of social studies supervisors in instruction, curriculum, materials, research, teacher training and social action. It encourages and assists in the development of social studies instruction. NSSSA extends it services and assistance to supervisors at state and local levels.
Law Focused Education, Inc.
The mission of LFEI is to "plan, promote and support law-related education programs which are aimed at preparing elementary, middle and high school students for effective, responsible citizenship, and which are committed to liberty, justice and the Rule of Law." This is accomplished through the work of the State Bar of Texas Law Related Education Department.
Texas Council on Economic Education
The Texas Council on Economics Education seeks to help all students develop an economic way of thinking and problem solving useful in their lives as knowledgeable consumers, prudent savers, informed investors, workforce members, responsible citizens, and global economy participants.
Texas Computer Education Association
TCEA is dedicated to the improvement of teaching and learning through the use of computer technology.
Texas State Historical Association
Organized on March 2, 1897, the Texas State Historical Association is the oldest learned society in the state. Its mission is to foster the appreciation, understanding, and teaching of the rich and unique history of Texas and by example and through programs and activities encourage and promote research, preservation, and publication of historical material affecting the state of Texas.
National Council for Geographic Education
The National Council for Geographic Education works to enhance the status and quality of geography teaching and learning. To meet its mission, the NCGE: Promotes the importance and value of geographic education; Enhances the preparation of geographic educators with respect to their knowledge of content, techniques, and learning processes; Facilitates communication among teachers of geography; Encourages and supports research on geographic education; Develops, publishes, and promotes the use of curriculum, resource, and learning materials; and Cooperates with other organizations that have similar goals.
American Heritage Education Foundation, Inc.
AHEF is a non-profit educational foundation dedicated to the understanding and teaching of our nation's factual and philosophical heritage to promote freedom, unity, progress, and responsibility among our students and citizens.
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association (AHA) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated by Congress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts, and the dissemination of historical research.
National Council for History Education
The National Council for History Education is a non-profit corporation whose Board of Trustees is dedicated to promoting the importance of history in schools and in society. The Council is supported by the contributions of individuals and organizations. NCHE links history in the schools with many activities sponsored by state and local organizations. They provide a communications network for all advocates of history education, whether in schools, colleges, museums, historical councils, or community groups.
Organization of American Historians
The Organization of American Historians is the largest learned society devoted to the study of American history. Since its founding in 1907 as the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, the OAH has promoted the study and teaching of the American past through its many activities.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Founded in 1943, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that represents 175,000 educators from more than 135 countries and more than 60 affiliates. Our members span the entire profession of educators—superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members. They address all aspects of effective teaching and learning—such as professional development, educational leadership, and capacity building. ASCD offers broad, multiple perspectives—across all education professions—in reporting key policies and practices. Because they represent all educators, they are able to focus solely on professional practice within the context of "Is it good for the children?" rather than what is reflective of a specific educator role. In short, ASCD reflects the conscience and content of education.
The Texas Alliance for Geographic Education (TAGE)
The Texas Alliance for Geographic Education (TAGE) promotes geo-literacy and educational outreach through teacher workshops and by providing quality resources to educators. We help create and support collaboration between university faculty, K-12 teachers, and the community to ensure a high quality geographic education for all Texas students.
Junior Achievement of Houston
Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. Junior Achievement programs help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs which make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace. Students put these lessons into action and learn the value of contributing to their communities. JA’s unique approach allows volunteers from the community to deliver our curriculum while sharing their experiences with students. Embodying the heart of JA, our 382,637 classroom volunteers transform the key concepts of our lessons into a message that inspires and empowers students to believe in themselves, showing them they can make a difference in the world.