Social Studies Products

For more information about these resources, e-mail or call 713.744.6355.


Product Comparison Guides: Grades 6–8 and High School US History
Our new product comparison guides compare the 2011, 2018, and 2022 social studies standards in an easy-to-read chart format. These resources can support educators in ensuring compliance with state requirements, maintaining student engagement, and comparing products aligned to previous revisions of the TEKS with the latest standards revisions.


Grade 6  |  Grade 7  |  Grade 8  |  High School US History



WARM UP TO SOCIAL STUDIES: TEXAS HISTORY (GRADE 7)warm-up-to-social-studies-grade-7-vol-1-front-covwarm-up-to-social-studies-grade-7-vol-2-cover-461

Offers student-centered engagement activities for immediate student involvement and interaction with the content from 7th grade Texas History. Arranged in chronological order by historical eras, these TEKS-based activities are designed to require 5 to 10 minutes of class time and are written with the cognitive rigor demanded by the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®). Scientifically based research supports the use of this form of frequent, conceptual exposure to enhance student understanding. Part 1 and Part 2 are now available now!


Part 1: Natural Texas and Its People through Early Statehood   ORDER | Download Sample
Part 2: Civil War through Contemporary Texas   ORDER |  Download Sample



wutss-part-1-cover-461-1856-smallWARM UP TO SOCIAL STUDIES: AMERICAN HISTORY (GRADE 8)
Interactive activities for American history that can be used before, during, or after initial instruction.
Engage students in, enhance retention of, and formatively assess mastery of American history content. This resource contains 144 classroom-ready activities for immediate student involvement as well as alternative instruction, support for struggling learners, and extensions for advanced learners.$50 per part, $80 per bundle. Download the product flyer here.
ORDER ONLINE  Download samples: Part 1  | Part 2


5Es over World Cultures Social Studies STAAR® Preparation for Grade 6, Volume 1
461-1908-5es-over-world-cultures-grade-6-vol-2-co5ES OVER WORLD CULTURES, VOLUMES 1 & 2 NEW!
Teach students to think about World Cultures through a conceptual lens!
5Es over World Cultures Social Studies STAAR® Preparation for Grade 6 offers vital components of Contemporary World Cultures in a series of conceptually designed instructional plans which address the Grade 6 Social Studies TEKS. Each instructional plan varies in duration, addresses multiple concepts and skills, and features activities that develop analytical thinking skills aligned to Grade 8 American History and high school U.S. History processing standards. 5Es over World Cultures incorporates high-yield instructional strategies, facilitation questions, and discussion points within the 5E format, and includes research-based, student-centered instructional strategies for diverse learners. The digital instructional resources included with this product contain student activity pages, graphics, selected-response assessment items, performance assessments, rubrics, and answer keys. $50 per volume.
Order Online: Volume 1  |  Download a sample.
Order Online: Volume 2  ** NEW   |  Download a sample.



5es-over-america-cover(1)5 Es OVER AMERICA
Teach students to think about American history like a historian–through an inquiry-based approach!

This resource offers 30+ instructional routines to support content assessed on the Grade 8 Social Studies STAAR®5 Es over America provides instructional activities and multiple forms of assessment to monitor student progress.

$50.  ORDER ONLINE  |  Download a sample




5es-over-texas-cover-web(1)5 Es OVER TEXAS

Teach students to think about Texas History like a historian–through an inquiry-based approach!
This resource offers 30+ instructional routines to support Texas History content and address foundational components assessed on the Grade 8 Social Studies STAAR®. 5 Es over Texas provides instructional activities and multiple forms of assessment to monitor student progress. $50 per copy.   ORDER ONLINE   |  Download a sample




Interactive activities for U.S. history that can be used before, during, or after initial instruction.

This resource includes tools for teachers to use in preparing students for the U.S. History End-of-Course (EOC) exam. $75 per volume. $125 for the two-volume bundle.  
ORDER ONLINE   Download samples:  Volume 1 | Volume 2







Teach world geography through a conceptual approach.
This resource is a series of conceptually designed instructional units that are seamlessly aligned to the TEKS. The content is research-based and the lessons are student-centered and scaffolded to maximize learning opportunities for students of all abilities, including English language and gifted and talented learners.$275 for the full set. ORDER ONLINE


Volume 1:
Spatial Analysis
and Physical Geography

Download Sample

Volume 2:
Economic Geography
and Development

Download Sample

Volume 3:


Download Sample

Volume 4:
The Human Mosaic

Download Sample

Volume 5:
Population and Migration

Download Sample

Volume 6:
Political Geography
and Globalization

Download Sample




Build vocabulary and improve instruction for English learners using classroom-ready, content-specific activities.
This practical resource for social studies teachers simplifies the instruction needed for English learners to develop the social and academic language required for their success, while maintaining the integrity of the lesson content by integrating three instructional components: the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), the 5 E instructional model, and the highly effective instructional strategies identified by the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning study led by Robert Marzano. $50 per grade band.  ORDER ONLINE  | Download samples: Middle School  High School



Unwrap the TEKS for planning lessons that meet the cognitive demands of the social studies curriculum.

Learn how to critically analyze a standard to determine the skills, reasoning, and strategic thinking necessary for students to achieve mastery of an expectation through practical examples and step-by-step instructions. This information will help educators better understand the standards beyond “the verb” to help students achieve the cognitive demands of the social studies curriculum. $25 per set of five. ORDER ONLINE


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