Texas Gateway


Find engaging, TEKS-aligned resources and courses on the Texas Gateway site that you can use with your students, as part of classroom instruction, interventions, acceleration, or additional practice. A Texas Gateway Account is required to enroll in a Gateway course.  


Getting Started Guide          Learn more about TEA Texas Gateway


  • Sign up here to login to your account or click a Course Title link to open Course Enrollment Page then you will be prompted to create an account and then enroll in one of the courses today!
  • Click on the content area header to view the list of all Resources and Courses in that area.















Introduction to Plate Tectonics 


Determining Area:

Sectors of Circles 


Targeting the 2 Percent 


Engage: Force


Math Glossary

OnTRACK Lessons   OnTRACK Lessons    



C o u r s e s







Texas Science Safety Center




Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy










Obtaining your Certificate of Completion. Congratulations, you have completed the course!! 

Once you have completed the course requirements, you will earn a certificate of completion and CPE credits. 

When you have earned your certificate, you will receive a message on your course Progress page.

  1. Press the Request Certificate button.
  2. Once your certificate is ready, it will appear on your course Progress page and on your Gateway Courses dashboard.
  3. Click Download Your Certificate to download, save, and print your certificate!


All Gateway Resources and Gateway Courses and are self-paced and offered at no cost to you or your district. 

For additional help, visit HELP CENTER


ESTAR/MSTAR Overview...

Elementary Students in Texas: Algebra Ready (ESTAR) and Middle-School Students in Texas Algebra Ready (MSTAR). The Universal Screeners and Diagnostic Assessments are a formative assessment system administered to students in grades 2–8 to support instructional decisions in mathematics.​ Click ESTAR/MSTAR Resources to get started, for additional information txgateway@tea.texas.gov

Click here to access the updated calendar for the Universal Screener and Diagnostic Assessments.


Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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