Tips for New G/T Coordinators

Are you a new gifted/talented coordinator?
Welcome to the exciting world of Gifted and Talented (G/T)! Some of you may be wondering where to start to understand this new role.  This may be an additional role you have been asked to take on and just need a starting point.  You have already taken one of the first steps we recommend in this new position – you are visiting this website! Here are a few more tips we hope you may find helpful.
New G/T Coordinator Tips
Don’t be afraid to contact your Regional Education Service Center’s Gifted/Talented specialist. We are here assist and answer all of your questions.
  1. Consider registering for the Region 4 session Gifted/Talented District Implementation of Service Options: An Administrator’s Role (link to the Administrator section of the G/T Professional learning webpage?). This session addresses the guidelines for gifted programs in Texas and fulfills the requirements for G/T administrators required through the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students. Region 4 offers this session here at McKinney Conference Center, or online through the Canvas Learning Management System. 
  2. Plan to attend the Gifted/Talented Leadership Network (GTLN) meetings. A G/T Coordinator or Director from every district is appointed by their superintendent. Find out if you are that person by contacting Region 4’s G/T Specialist. At these meetings you will find out what is going on in gifted education in your region and the state. These meetings are also a great way to meet and collaborate with other area G/T Coordinators.
  3. Locate and review your district’s G/T Handbook. Districts are required to have this information available to parents and other stakeholders.  Does the handbook reflect what is actually happening in your district?  If not or if your district doesn’t have one, this will become one of your first tasks.
  4. Ensure the following are designated correctly –
    1. How does your district or each campus provide G/T services? This information should be designated in the District-level G/T Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) code.  For more information about this code, review this TEA page.
    2. Does the district’s Program Intent Code (PIC) 21 contain expenditures used for the gifted program that matches the state’s G/T allotment? You may need to check with your financial department. To determine the amount your district receives for the G/T allotment Follow the instructions here. (link to the pdf called GT Allotment)
    3. Have gifted students been identified and correctly coded in PEIMS?
  5. Locate and verify the documentation that supports each of your designated G/T teachers, administrators and counselors have the required G/T training and annual updates. Region 4 has flexible training options, if any employees are lacking. (Link to Professional Learning information page.) Check with Region 4’s Guidelines for G/T update sessions.
  6. Verify that identified gifted students are in classes with G/T-trained teacher.
  7. Sign up to receive G/T information from TEA (include link to
  8. Review previous G/T Tuesdays from Monica Brewer, the G/T statewide coordinator. G/T Tuesdays occur on certain Tuesdays each month during the school year. For recordings of previous sessions and to sign up to attend new sessions, visit this link.
We hope you find this tip list helpful as you start this new leadership role.  We look forward to meeting you at the next leadership meeting.
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