Can teachers use the hours acquired through College Board training towards their 30-hour foundational training?
A part of the College Board training five day summer institute can count towards the curriculum and instruction component, but teachers still need training in the nature and needs of gifted and talented students and assessing students needs training components.
Can teachers use the hours acquired in College Board trainings to count as G/T six-hour update?
Many districts do allow College Board training to count as a G/T teacher’s six-hour update. That decision is up to local school districts to determine.
Are teachers required to take the College Board APSI institute before they teach an AP class?
It would be wise to take a College Board APSI Institute before teaching an AP class but not a state, national, or College Board requirement. Local School districts can make that a requirement.
Are Pre AP/AP teachers required to take the 30-hours of G/T training?
If Pre-AP/AP classes serve as the mode of delivery for your services to gifted students, teachers should have 30-hours of training in gifted education. Part of the College Board training can count towards the curriculum and instruction part of the 30-hours but the teacher is still required to take training in the nature and needs of the gifted student and assessing student needs.