Title III Shared Service Arrangement (SSAs)

Dinorah Cortinas Galvan

Education Specialist




Monical Aguirre

Education Specialist




Danette Thornton
Education Specialist




For Information on Title III Instructional Supports, including LPAC and TELPAS, please contact the Region 4 Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies Solutions Department.


Title III Instructional Supports:
Nicole Da Sant-Ryan
Education Specialist

Bilingual/ESL/Title III



Texas Education Agency Title III Resources Webpage

Districts and charters may choose to join the Region 4 Title III Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) through the eGrants system process and a signed arrangement. Accountability, Research, and Compliance Support has designated a trained education specialist to coordinate this support and provide a high level of service to its members.  We are committed to the following actions:

  • English Learner Portal 
  • Allowable Use of Title III, Part A Funds 
  • Side-by-Side Guidance Document: Allowable vs. Unallowable Use of Funds To Support English Learners 
  • Completing and submitting the Standard Application System (SAS) for Title III funding
  • Assistance with the review and analysis of district/campus data and plans that address identified needs
  • Providing support to districts to build internal capacity for systemic support of staff development efforts
  • Providing support and promoting understanding of all program expectations through compliance requirements, including allowable/non-allowable expenditures
  • Providing reimbursement for targeted professional development and additional coordinated services as requested
  • Holding quarterly meetings throughout the year to coordinate support
  • Providing on-site technical assistance to each member
  • Serving as the fiscal agent for the management of the SSA Title III funds


What is Title III, Part A?
Title III, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), aims to ensure that English language learners and immigrant students attain English language proficiency and meet the state’s challenging academic achievement standards.

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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