Migrant Education Program (MEP): Title I, Part C

Monica Aguirre
Program Coordinator


Dinorah Cortinas Galvan
Education Specialist


Rosa Isela Anaya
Technical Specialist


Parent Resources

Texas Migrant Education (TMEP) Portal


Available Resources in TMEP Portal

  • Education Resources for Parents of K-12 Migratory Children
  • High School Equivalency Program / College Assistance Migrant Program (HEP/CAMP)
  • Supporting English Learners in Texas
  • Parent Resources for Early Childhood Education

Important Links:

Resources for Migrant Students

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Universities in Texas                   The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) assists students who are migratory or seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at an Institution of Higher Education. The funding supports the completion of the first year of studies




Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.

Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) for non-citizens and certain international students who are classified as Texas residents.


GRADcafé by Project GRAD


Texas Virtual Schools Network (TXVSN)

The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) is the state-led online learning initiative that provides all Texas schools and eligible students access to quality online courses and instruction, regardless of where they are located in the state.

Participating Schools



Resources for Out-of-School Youth




Region 4 Education Service Center Accountability, Research, and Compliance Support department is committed to providing support through the Migrant Education Program (MEP) for all of the region’s stakeholders. The department has a fully trained MEP team that provides technical assistance, training, and support.


Region 4 MEP Team Mission

Migrant students face uniquce challenges; however, they aspire and envision a better future for themselves and their families.  We are committed to be there for them when they feel lost, isolated, abandoned, or when they are in need.  Our team is the voice that advocates for equal academic and social opportunities.  Our actions have the power to educate and inspire migrant students to reach their full potential at school and in life.  Every day, we embrace the opportunity to guide our migrant students toward success!


Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program 
The purpose of the ESEA Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program is to provide migratory children with the opportunity to meet the same challenging content and performance standards that the state has established for all children.

  1. support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves;
  2. ensure that migratory children who move among the States are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the States in curriculum, graduation requirements, and State academic content and student academic achievement standards;
  3. ensure that migratory children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner;
  4. ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet;
  5. design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment; and
  6. ensure that migratory children benefit from State and local systemic reforms. The consortium is designed to improve interstate and/or intrastate coordination of migrant education programs and, through such coordination, improve the delivery of services to migratory children.
Migrant Education Program (MEP) Goals
  • Meet the identified needs of migratory children that result from their migratory lifestyle to permit these children to participate effectively in school and meet the state’s academic performance standards
  • Address the unique needs of migratory children that are not addressed by services available from other federal or nonfederal programs
  • Ensure that meaningful consultation with migrant parents is incorporated in the planning, operation, and evaluation of the local MEP
  • Ensure LEAs receive appropriate and timely follow-up activities to ensure LEAs clearly understand requirements and provide appropriate services to students under Title III

Migrant Education Program Support

The Migrant Education Program team at Region 4 provides focused support in the required seven areas of concern:

  1. Educational Continuity
  2. Instructional Time
  3. School Engagement
  4. English Language Development
  5. Education Support in the Home
  6. Health
  7. Access to Services
The Statewide Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) is revised and updated every 2-3 years. After each CNA has been conducted, the Service Delivery Plan (SDP) is updated and focuses on four goal areas:
  • Reading and Mathematics
  • School Readiness
  • Graduation/Services to Out-of-School Youth (OSY)
  • Non-Instructional Support Services


Project Local Education Agency (LEA) Participation
Project LEAs receive Migrant Education Program (MEP) funding to operate and manage their own MEP. These districts must conduct independently their own Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) for the MEP.


Non-Project Local Education Agency (LEA) Participation
Non-Project LEAs do not receive Migrant Education Program (MEP) funding. These districts should work with the MEP team at Region 4 to conduct the Identification and Recruitment (ID&R).


Training and Support
Technical assistance, training, and support are provided in the state-required annual Identification and Recruitment (ID&R), MSIX National Data System, New Generation System (NGS), network support meetings,ESSA federal application and compliance report assistance, Parental Involvement Leadership Network, specialized professional development offerings, and on-site quality control visits. Additionally, posters are available in English and Spanish to support districts in their recruiting efforts.


Texas Education Agency Texas Migrant Education Program Resources and Information

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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