Accountability Supports

Accountability Contacts

Angel Lozano

Program Coordinator, Regional Accountability and Assessment


Rachel Haller

Education Specialist



Region 4 Supports





Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools and Districts
Historical records of accountability ratings from 1994 to the present. Ratings are available for districts, campuses, and charter schools.

Program Monitoring and Interventions
TEA’s website for all program monitoring and interventions—accountability, program, and data validation.

Accreditation Information and Requirements
TEA accredits public schools in Texas at the district level for grades K–12. This is a link to their webpage for accreditation information and correspondence.

Welcome to the Accountability Services page of the Accountability and Leadership Solutions department website! Our team is committed to providing support for all of the region’s stakeholders. The department supports public school districts, public charter schools, and campuses in the following ways:

  • State Accountability: Understanding the current index structure and preparing for future requirements of the statewide accountability and monitoring systems
  • Federal Accountability:  Understanding and implementing requirements for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), including the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Texas waiver for adequate yearly progress and support for focus, priority and Texas Title I Priority Schools (TTIPS)
  • Program Monitoring and Intervention (PMI): Preparing for on-site and desk audits from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in areas related to student performance, accountability, and Data Validation Monitoring (DVM)
  • Mentoring and Coaching:  Support for new central office personnel
  • Leadership Network Meetings:  Networking with other districts through advisory committees
  • Workshops, Customized Contracts, Technical Assistance and Support:  Assisting with compliance requirements of all state and federal program areas, including grants



Accountability Leadership Network
The District Accountability Leadership Network is a committee of superintendent-appointed individuals. Members receive current national, state, and local information on all areas supporting accountability. The goal of the network is to identify trends and issues affecting districts, to give feedback on services provided by Region 4 ESC, and to network with other professionals.

For registration information, please contact Angel Lozano.



Region 4 e-Catalog

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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