Foster Care Student Success Supports

LaShonda Evans
Education Specialist



Twiana Collier

Education Specialist




Additional Resources:

TEA Dropout Information


National Drop-Out Prevention Center and Network


Dropout Prevention Strategy
TEC §29.918 and TAC §89 Subchapter GG


Texas Education Code (TEC)—At-risk student, eligibility, and definition TEC §29.081d

The Region 4 Educational Service Center’s Accountability and Leadership Solutions department provides resources and information for school district liaisons, educators, students, and others in supporting the educational success of students in foster care. This support focuses on guidance related to the unique circumstances surrounding students who are in the foster care system and attend Texas public schools. According to the Texas Education Agency, this number approaches 16,000 school-age children. 

Foster Care Liaisons
Each school district and open-enrollment charter school in Texas is required to appoint at least one employee to act as a foster care liaison officer. The liaison facilitates the enrollment in or transfer to a public or open-enrollment charter school of any child in the district or area served by the charter school who is in the conservatorship of the state (TEC § 33.904). The foster care liaisons for Region 4 are LaShonda Evans and Twiana Collier.


The 83rd Texas Legislative session added open-enrollment charter schools to an existing law that required districts to designate foster care liaisons. New legislation from that session also required that both districts and charters submit their foster care liaison’s name and contact information to TEA.


Appoint a Liaison
Districts can submit foster care liaison contact information to TEA through the Texas Education Directory, AskTED.


Download the Foster Care and Student Success Resource Guide. This guide is the product of collaboration with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the Supreme Court of Texas, and the Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth, and Families (Children's Commission).


This training manual (available as an e-guide) contains a variety of key researched-based topics and calls attention to important matters related to the education of students in foster care. The guide promotes best practices and contains numerous tips, tools, resources, and links to more information.


All foster care liaisons who interact with students in foster care are encouraged to download and review the valuable information contained within this guide.

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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