TEKS Side-by-Side Comparisons Compare current science TEKS with the TEKS that will be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. Use these documents to consider the implications of change.
These documents are for personal use and require permission for use in trainings or workshops conducted outside of Region 4 ESC. Please email science@esc4.net with questions.
Product Crosswalk Documents These documents will help navigate product alignment using the 2020-2021 science TEKS. (More links will be added soon!)
To view our science products and samples, visit the Region 4 Store!
![]() The Region 4 Hub hosts our digital products and samples.
(Note: This account is separate and apart from a Region 4 account that tracks transcripts and certificates!)
It's a Science Free 4 All! You asked for it. You got it! This section of the product page contains free access to some of our most requested resources we've presented at workshops, meetings, and conferences.
Student Discourse Sentence Stems... Spanish AND English Provide support for your students as they engage in academic discussions using sentence stems.
Participation Cards *Print either file two-sided, flip on short side. You'll get 2-4 cards per sheet depending on the file.* Use these cards as formative assessment tools. Students can indicate their answers sliding a paper clip or by pinching the card using an index finger and thumb. You'll be able to see answer choices no matter where you are in the room because the cards are the same on the front and back. The faces at the bottom of the card on the left can indicate how confident students are with the answers they've chosen.
Which Surface is the Most Waterproof?
Files: Investigation Procedures