Health and Wellness

Promoting mental health awareness and taking care of ourselves during this time is more important than ever as many are also caring for others. Being mindful and aware of our own levels of stress is one way to begin promoting positive well-being. Resources are available to support you and provide social and emotional learning supports. Tips to support both families and educators will be continuously updated.



COVID-19 Mental Health Resources


COVID 19 Mental and Emotional Wellness Resources

Mental and Emotional Wellness

COVID-19 Educator Resources

Educator Resources


COVID-19 Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Upcoming Professional Development

Upcoming Professional Learning




Specialized trainings, technical assistance, and support are provided within this topic area from the Office of Emergency Management and School Safety (OEMSS) department. The below OEMSS team member is the contact for this topic area. This ensures that there is a designated contact to help assess regional training needs, ensure robust offerings are provided, and that specific training requests are efficiently responded to in a timely manner.

Ashley Whitley
Mental Health Specialist
Office of Emergency Management and School Safety

If you need urgent assistance, please contact Dr. Kristie Moore, Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management and School Safety at or 713.744.6361.

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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