Restorative Practices Forum 2021


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Important Session Information:
The Restorative Forum is two days (separate registration session numbers)


Virtual Restorative Conference 
June 21, 2021, 8:30 – 3:30 pm 
Session # 1595839
Administrators' Restorative Practices and Disciplinary Practices
June 22, 2021, 8:30 – 3:30 pm
Session # 1597018




Participants will receive a The Little Book of Circle Processes by Kay Pranis
Once registered for the Restorative Practices Forum, you will recieve information on how to order your complimentary book.


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COVID-19, natural disasters, current events, and our students' everyday lives warrant an opportunity for them to have healthy relationships at school. Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE) mitigate the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). PCEs are simply an opportunity for students to have an adult who will listen to them and allow them to have a voice. PCEs are also about students building connections with their classmates, feeling a part of a community, having opportunities to problem solve, understanding responsibility, and learning empathy. All of these skills are developed through Restorative Practice Circles.  
Traditionally, exclusionary practices such as suspension and expulsion have been utilized to address disciplinary issues in schools. These practices have negatively impacted student achievement and social-emotional learning, particularly with students who have had ACEs. Also, exclusionary practices adversely influence school culture and climate. The use of Restorative Practices is spreading across the field of education. The restorative process focuses on building upon PCEs, developing relationships, strengthening relationships, repairing harm, and increasing accountability.
Join us for two incredible days. The first day will be with Dr. Edward Alvarado, and he will explore the Ochéthi Šakówiŋ Oyáte understanding of what justice is and how Indigenous Peoples experience justice and circles. The well-noted author of the books Circle Process and Circle Forward will discuss restorative principles in the daily life of school.  Janice Jerome, restorative practitioner extraordinaire, will present the circle process. All participants will have the opportunity to experience the circle process. Come prepared to be immersed in the power of circles.  
The second day (separate registration) is an opportunity for administrators to hear from other administrators, teachers, parents, and students about their Restorative Practices experiences. Come and see how they creatively and intentionally weave Restorative Practices into their district implementation plans, disciplinary policies, and practices.

Meet the Presenters


Edward Charles Valandra, PhD

Wolakota: A Scheme of Life that Works (Restorative Origin)

Restorative justice (RJ) or restorative practices (RP) claim that Indigenous Peoples’ traditions influence its development. This session explores the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Oyáte, the understanding of what justice is, and how their culture-based circles sustain it. RJ/RP practitioners will know how Indigenous Peoples experience justice and circles differently than conventional RJ/RP.

Edward Charles Valandra is Síčáŋǧu Thitȟuŋwaŋ who was born and raised in his homeland, the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Oyáte Makȟóčhe. Dr. Valandra has been involved in Indigenous affairs, having served one 4-year term as a legislator in his nation’s governing body, on his nation’s seven-member Constitutional Task Force, and as a senior administrator in his nation’s K–12 chartered school.
Dr. Valandra is the founder of the Community for the Advancement of Native Studies (CANS). His organization promotes the application of research and study for all aspects of liberation and sovereignty with respect to Native Country. Dr. Valandra’s current role is Senior Editor at Living Justice Press, a small, non-profit publisher specializing in restorative justice and harms between peoples. He is the editor of Colorizing Restorative Justice: Voicing Our Realities and author of Not Without Our Consent: Lakota Resistance to Termination, 1950–1959.


Kay Pranis

Restorative Principles in the Daily Life of School

The well-noted author, Kay Pranis, of the books Circle Process and Circle Forward will discuss restorative principles in the daily life of school.

Kay Pranis teaches and writes about the dialog process known as "Peacemaking Circles." Her initial teachers in the circle work were Barry Stuart, a judge in Yukon, Canada, and Mark Wedge and Harold Gatensby, First Nations people of Yukon.  From 1994–2003 Kay held the position of Restorative Justice Planner at the MN Department of Corrections. Since that initial exposure to the use of Peacemaking Circles in the justice system, Kay has been involved in developing the use of Peacemaking Circles in schools, social services, churches, families, neighborhoods, museums, universities, municipal planning, and workplaces.
Kay has authored or co-authored several books about Circles: Peacemaking Circles—From Conflict to Community; The Little Book of Circle Processes—A New/Old Approach to PeacemakingDoing Democracy with Circles—Engaging Communities in Public Planning; and Heart of Hope—A Guide for Using Peacemaking Circles to Develop Emotional Literacy, Promote Healing & Build Healthy Relationships.   



Janice Jerome
Experiencing Restorative Circles
Participants will experience restorative circles. Participants will be introduced to the principles of circles, tasks, and phases of circles, and will experience the process of restorative circles.
Janice Jerome is a native of Atlanta and the former Assistant Director for the University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work and the Institute of Restorative Justice and Restorative Dialogue. Jerome is a doctoral candidate for her PhD in Transformative and Social Change. She received her master's degree in public administration and her bachelor's degree in computer science from Troy University. Jerome has worked for the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review, Immigration Court in Miami, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia. She is the former Supervisor of Diversion/Intake for the Juvenile Court of Clayton County, Georgia. Jerome is co-contributor to the book Colorizing Restorative Justice, published by Living Justice Press, and co-author to Blessed from the Beginning. Jerome is the recipient of many awards, including the 2015 Community and Leadership Restorative Justice award from the National Association of Community and Restorative Justice, the Romae Powell Award, and Director’s Award from the Juvenile Courts Association of Georgia. Jerome is the founder of the Restorative Justice Institute of Atlanta, LLC, and received her training from Kay Pranis and Gwen Rivers Jones in 2004. She is a professional genealogist, mediator, anger management specialist, numismatist, paralegal, mother of three, and grandmother.


Administrators’ Restorative and Disciplinary Practices Forum Presenters


Quentin Woods, EdD 
Session Description
Participants will learn best practices while avoiding some pitfalls in order to effectively implement Restorative Practices.
Dr. Q is a 24-year veteran of Texas public schools. He started off as a teacher and coach and moved his way into administration. Dr. Q has held both campus- and district-level leadership positions, and he has worked in a variety of districts ranging from 6A urban to 3A rural.


Humble Independent School District
Hear from a team of school district administrators from Humble ISD, including Dr. Melissa
Leigh and Dr. Travita Godfrey, who will share how they integrated restorative practices into their district implementation plans and disciplinary policies.


Antionette Mathews, EdD
Administrator's Journey Implementing Restorative Practices at DAEP
Are you thinking about implementing restorative practices at your DAEP? This session will outline one administrator's journey implementing restorative practices on her campus. This session will walk you through implementation considerations and steps for implementing, and it will provide parent, student, and teacher perspectives. Hear lessons learned as well as tips and tricks for a successful implementation.
Dr. Antionette Mathews has made it her life's mission to assist teachers in understanding the influence they have on the learning environment and student learning experiences. Dr. Mathews has more than 20 years of educational experience serving in the following areas: classroom teacher, master teacher, science specialist, assistant principal, director of STEM, director of professional learning, and principal. She holds a EdD with a specialization in adult education from Capella University. Dr. Mathews is driven by providing and ensuring equity in innovative educational experiences for all students.
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