Region 4 Education Service Center supports innovation, collaboration, and excellence in service for children. Cutting-edge research is often at the core of advancements in how we teach students and the ways we prepare and support educators for this remarkable task. Region 4 receives a high volume of requests to collaborate on research projects from individuals and organizations requesting access to educational and training facilities, materials, or personnel affiliated with Region 4 for the purpose of data collection. In the interest of processing these requests in an equitable manner, Region 4 has created a formal application process to submit requests to conduct research. Region 4 prioritizes well-informed studies that have clear and actionable implications for the work we do to support school districts, their staff, and students.
Potential applicants include individuals and organizations who seek to collect data on educational and training facilities, materials, and personnel affiliated with Region 4. Applicants may be independent researchers, individuals who work on behalf of a team/organization (regardless of university affiliation), or individuals pursuing partial fulfillment of a degree, certification, or coursework. Internal staff at Region 4 are also considered applicants if they propose conducting studies outside the scope of the responsibilities outlined in their job description. Please note that applications seeking any form of restricted student-level data, communication with students, or access to schools and district educational facilities will be redirected to pursue research applications with individual school districts and follow the school district’s respective application review protocol.
Research Application Review Process
Applications to conduct research at Region 4 are vetted by a committee of internal staff with expertise in research and content areas related to the application topic. All applicants should download and complete the . Submit all documentation to Isabel Hovey, Director of Accountability, Research, and Compliance Supports, at to initiate the review process. It is critical that applicants respond to all items included in the application form, and that all requested attachments are included with the submission.
The review committee regularly evaluates new applications to conduct research at Region 4. Note that applicants will be contacted to clarify or elaborate on their application materials and may be asked for a meeting to discuss the project. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s recommendation via e-mail. The review committee will reach one of two possible recommendations:
- The review committee does not approve the proposal, and the grounds for this recommendation will be stated in the e-mail communication.
- The review committee approves the application. An e-mail confirming this approval will be sent to the applicant, copying all review committee members, the appropriate Deputy Executive Director or Chief Officer, and the Executive Director. The e-mail will clarify study details, include any revisions to the original submitted forms, and provide further guidance for project implementation. Applicants may be required to sign a confidentiality and data sharing agreement prior to the receipt of data or the initiation of research activities.