Become Certified through the Reading by Design® Structured Literacy Program!
Below are details about participant requirements as well as the program study and practicum requirements cohort participants will be responsible for within this program.
For more information, contact RbDCP@esc4.net.
Structured Literacy Interventionist Requirements: .png)
Minimum Degree Required |
Bachelor’s Degree |
Program of Study Requirement |
Minimum 90 training hours:
45 Hours: focus on the Knowledge and Practice Standards (KPS) for Teachers of Reading, and
45 Hours: focus on assessment, progress monitoring, lesson planning, and lesson delivery associated with decoding-strand skills (including phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency)
View the Cohort Course List linked below for a breakdown of the hours of study.
Practicum Requirement |
Provide intervention with Reading by Design® 4–5 days per week for 45 minutes per day with a group of 2–5 students for a minimum of 48 sessions in the 13-month period.
Obtain a passing score on Practicum Portfolio per rubric. This portfolio will consist of three write-ups of three recorded Reading by Design® sessions by the candidate. It will also include formal observation and conference notes by the cohort leader for each session.
Exam Requirement |
Passing score on KPEERI |
Structured Literacy Specialist Requirements:
Minimum Degree Required |
Bachelor’s Degree |
Program of Study Requirement |
Minimum 135 training hours:
45 Hours: focus on the Knowledge and Practice Standards (KPS) for Teachers of Reading,
45 Hours: focus on assessment, progress monitoring, lesson planning, and lesson delivery associated with decoding-strand skills (including phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency)
45 hours: focus on assessment, progress monitoring, lesson planning, lesson delivery associated with comprehension and writing-strand skills (including both vocabulary, comprehension, written expression, written response)
Practicum Requirement |
Year One:
Year Two:
- Three heterogeneous students (one student completed during year one). SEE STUDENT PROFILE REQUIREMENTS BELOW.
- Minimum EACH Student:
- Two Academic Semesters, each Academic Semester must be:
- 12 Consecutive Weeks (TOTAL of at least 24 weeks per student)
- 24 Sessions (TOTAL of at least 48 sessions per student)
- 2x/week for 60 minutes non-consecutive days or 3x/week for 45 minutes
- 3 Formal Lesson Observations/Conferences with Write-Up
- Student Profile Requirements:
- At least one student must require intervention with single-syllable word reading.
- At least one student must require intervention with multi-syllable word reading.
- At least one student must require vocabulary, comprehension, or written response instruction.
- At least one student must be in elementary school.
- At least one student must be in middle/high school (or an adult).
(Note: CERI certified Structured Literacy/Dyslexia Interventionists will receive credit for one student. Individuals not holding a CERI certification will need to engage three students.)
Exam Requirement |
Passing score on KPEERI |