Looking to schedule professional development for your team. Use the directory below to conact any of our District Advancement Champions to assist you in finding the right training to build capacity in your district.
Access to the General Curriculum |
Edrice Bell, EdD |
713.744.6841 |
Accessible Instructional Materials |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Accountability and Compliance |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Adaptive Physical Education |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Administrator Appraisal |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Advanced Placement |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Advancing Educational Leadership (Formerly ILD) |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
AP Summer Institute |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
ARD/IEP Process |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Ascender |
Jerry Lashley |
713.744.8143 |
Assistive Technology |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Autism |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Background Check—Employee and Volunteer |
Melody Goffney, EdD |
713.744.6546 |
Bilingual/ESL Compliance and Instruction |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Bilingual Special Education |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Cynthia Barrett, PhD | cynthia.barrett@esc4.net | 713.744.6586 |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Bus Driver Certification |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Campus/District Budgeting | Georgette Bubar | georgette.bubar@esc4.net | 713.744.8182 |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Campus Improvement Planning (CIP/DIP) |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Pamela Farinas | pamela.farinas@esc4.net | 713.744.6867 | |
Campus Planning/Title 1 |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Career and Technical Education |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Central Office Administration
Georgette Bubar | georgette.bubar@esc4.net | 713.744.8182 |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Certification Specialist |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Charter Schools |
Stephanie Noriega |
713.744.6569 |
Charter Schools Special Education Support |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Chief Financial Officers |
Jorgannie Carter |
713.744.8108 |
Child Find |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Child Nutrition |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Classroom Management | Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
Coaching for Educational Leaders | Georgette Bubar | georgette.bubar@esc4.net | 713.744.8182 |
Pamela Farinas | pamela.farinas@esc4.net | 713.744.6867 | |
Compliance Requirements/State and Federal | Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 |
Co-Teaching | Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 |
Counselors | Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 |
Cultural Diversity | Cynthia Barrett, PhD | cynthia.barrett@esc4.net | 713.744.6586 |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Allegra McGrew, EdD | allegra.mcgrew@esc4.net | 713.744.6839 | |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
Curriculum Development/Alignment | Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 |
Data Analysis/Planning/Disaggregation
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Georgette Bubar | georgette.bubar@esc4.net | 713.744.8182 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Allegra McGrew, EdD | allegra.mcgrew@esc4.net | 713744.6839 | |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Data Center and Network Services |
Art Peterson |
713.744.6884 |
Deaf/Hard of Hearing |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Differentiated Monitoring and Support
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Disproportionality/Differentiated Monitoring and Support
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Distance Education |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
District Coordinators of School Improvement (DCSI)/ISAM |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
District-Level Strategic Planning and Support |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Dyslexia |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Early Childhood |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Educational Technology |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Educator Certification |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Effective Schools Framework (ESF) |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
e-Grants |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
Elementary School Principal Contact |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Emergency Management School Safety |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorders |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
English as a Second Language (ESL) |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
E-rate |
Art Peterson |
713.744.6884 |
ESC4.net |
Art Peterson |
713.744.6884 |
escWorks® |
Kenneth Benavides |
713.744.6834 |
Evaluation of Students with Disabilities |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, formerly NCLB) ESSER |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
External Human Resources |
Melody Goffney, EdD |
713.744.6546 |
Family/School/Community Involvement |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Federal/State Program Support |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Fine Arts |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Gifted/Talented |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Head Start |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Health Education |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
High School Principal Contact |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Homeless McKinney-Vento |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
HRSA Co-op |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Instructional Technology |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Intellectual Disabilities |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Leadership |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Leaver Data |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Library Services |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Literacy and Language |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Management Information |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Master Scheduling
Edrice Bell, EdD |
713.744.6841 |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Mathematics |
Sharon Benson, EdD |
713.744.6815 |
Middle School Principal Contact |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Migrant Education |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
National Board Certification (NBCT) |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Network Services |
Art Peterson |
713.744.6884 |
Non-Educational Community-Based Support |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6526 |
Nursing/School Nurses |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6867 |
Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Other Health Impairment |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Parent Involvement/Title I |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Physical Education |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Planning/Program Support
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
Post-Secondary Transition |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Prekindergarten |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Principal Appraisal |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Principal Certification Program |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Print Services |
Bryan Tucker |
713.744.8129 |
Professional Learning Communities
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Georgette Bubar | georgette.bubar@esc4.net | 713.744.8182 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713744.8114 | |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Program Review |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Project CRISS |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Registration Services |
Kenneth Benavides |
713.744.6834 |
Regulations—State/Federal Programs |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Results Driven Accountability (RDA) |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
Safe Schools Initiatives |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
SAS—Federal Programs |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
SAS—Special Education |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
School Board Training |
Robby McGowen, PhD |
713.744.6588 |
School Improvement |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Science |
Edrice Bell, EdD |
713.744.6841 |
Section 504 |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Site-Based Decision Making |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
Social/Emotional Wellness (Mental Health) |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
Social Studies |
Edrice Bell, EdD |
713.744.6841 |
Special Education Self-Assessment |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Special Education Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Special Education |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Special Health Care Needs |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Jack Mann | jack.mann@esc4.net | 713.744.6854 | |
Speech-Language Pathology |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
STAAR® Alternate Assessment |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Dolores Treviño | dolores.trevino@esc4.net | 713.744.6821 | |
STAAR® Assessment and Monitoring |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
STAAR® Instructional Support |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
State Compensatory Education |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Staff Development/Professional Learning Leaders |
Sharon Benson, EdD |
713.744.6815 |
Strategic Staffing/Teacher Residencies |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
State/Federal Programs |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Student Evaluation |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Student Financial Aid |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Student Led IEPs |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Substitute Training |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Superintendent/Board Development |
Robby McGowen, PhD |
713.744.6588 |
Superintendent Certification Program |
Robby McGowen, PhD |
713.744.6588 |
Supplemental Education Services |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Teacher Appraisal |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Teacher Certification Program |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) |
Pamela Farinas |
713.744.6867 |
Technology Applications |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Art Peterson | art.peterson@esc4.net | 713.744.6884 | |
Technology Integration |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Edrice Bell, EdD | ebell@esc4.net | 713.744.6841 | |
Sharon Benson, EdD | sbenson@esc4.net | 713.744.6815 | |
Johanna Guerrero | johanna.guerrero@esc4.net | 713.744.8114 | |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Texas Behavior Support Initiative |
Ken Culbreath |
713.744.6526 |
Texas COVID Learning Supports (TCLAS) |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Dolores Treviño |
Texas Gateway |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL) |
Georgette Bubar |
713.744.8182 |
Texas Student Data System |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Texas Tutoring/High Impact Tutoring (HIT) |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Texas Virtual School |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Title I, Part A |
Dolores Treviño |
713.744.6821 |
Title III, Part A Basic Services |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |
Transition for Students with Disabilities |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Transportation |
Jack Mann |
713.744.6854 |
Universal Design for Learning |
Edrice Bell, EdD |
713.744.6841 |
Videoconference Support |
Art Peterson |
713.744.6884 |
Virtual Learning |
Allegra McGrew, EdD |
713.744.6839 |
Visual Impairment |
Cynthia Barrett, PhD |
713.744.6586 |
Writing PreK–12 |
Johanna Guerrero |
713.744.8114 |