Early Literacy Resources

Foster critical early literacy skills with Region 4 emergent literacy resources.

Region 4 Reading and Language Arts Solutions’ products are designed to support the strongest and most consistent predictors of later literacy development, with specific supports for alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness and memory, rapid automized naming of letters and objects, and writing letters. Region 4 Reading and Language Arts Solutions offers resources, professional development, and customized coaching to help educators foster early literacy development.


For more information about these services, contact reading@esc4.net or call 713.744.4457. For a full list of available resources, visit www.region4store.com.



early-literacy-alphabet-postersALPHABET POSTERS AND CHARTS SET (NEW)
The Alphabet Posters and Charts Set consists of two 22” X 17” alphabet posters and 20 individual student alphabet charts. This resource serves as a tool for teaching letter names and sounds to support students on their journey to becoming successful readers and writers. This set can be used for whole-group, small-group, and individual literacy instruction. Also available in Spanish. DETAILS







early-literacy-beginning-sound-matsBEGINNING SOUND MATS AND PICTURE CARDS

Use this kit to help students learn to make letter–sound connections by sorting pictures by their beginning sounds. Each letter of the alphabet is represented in the kit. These materials can be used for small-group instruction or as practice activities in centers. DETAILS

early-literacy-home-connectionHOME CONNECTION READERS
This collection of consumable books for emergent readers includes 50 copies of six titles. Home Connection Reader books promote early literacy skills by design. The books contain simple sentence structures, ample picture support, and high-frequency words to promote strategic reading from the start. Available in Spanish.

early-literacy-int-word-wallINTERACTIVE WORD WALL (NEW!)
The Interactive Word Wall is designed for prekindergarten through second-grade classrooms. Materials include alphabet picture cards, an instructional booklet, and high-frequency word cards. The instructional booklet provides ideas for setting up a word wall and creating interactive learning opportunities to support reading and writing skills. Also available in Spanish. DETAILS

early-literacy-letter-knowledgeLETTER KNOWLEDGE MANIPULATIVE KIT (NEW!)
The Letter Knowledge Manipulative Kit, available in English or Spanish, should be used as a supplemental resource for teaching letter knowledge in small groups. This kit is appropriate for use with emergent readers of any age. Also available in Spanish.  DETAILS




Looking for more reading and writing resources?  Visit the Region 4 Store!




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