Secondary (6–12) Professional Learning Menu of Options


To be announced. Check back soon for updates! 



Reading Comprehension of Expository Text
Expository text is a critical component of reading instruction but offers many challenges for readers.  This training will share lessons for teaching informational text structure using specific mentor texts, multiple strategies for teaching students to become critical readers of informational text, and how to teach content-specific vocabulary.


Reading in the Content Area

Reading in content areas, such as science, social studies, and mathematics implies that students can read and understand expository texts.  This training will offer strategies for teaching students’ questions to ask before, during, and after reading to help them become critical readers of informational text, lessons to increase students’ knowledge of expository text structure, how to read a textbook, and how to teach content-specific vocabulary.

Are You Really Teaching Comprehension?

Comprehension requires that students can recognize words and decode unknown words quickly, while also having strong language comprehension. This session will identify the barriers to comprehension, the processes needed for full comprehension, and how to teach these processes to develop fluid applications of them while reading.

How to Implement Acceleration in the Secondary Reading Classroom

"Read it aloud to them." is not a strategy that accelerates reading, so how do we accelerate instruction in the reading classroom? This session will look at implementing an acceleration model that remediates basic skills that are needed while preparing students to receive the new concepts and learning in their reading classroom.



Using the Reciprocity of Reading and Writing to Support Informational Writing
Explicitly teaching to help students understand the reciprocal nature of reading and writing are powerful tools to accelerate learning. In this session, participants will learn how to systematically teach the text structures used by authors of informational texts to help their young writers compose and organize their own informational pieces. Multiple craft lessons that span the writing process will be shared so that participants leave with a road map to accelerate their own students' writing.
Developing Critical Reading to Support STAAR Success in 6th through 12th grade
The new items on STAAR require students to answer and respond to text-dependent questions. Learn the four cognitive pathways needed to critically understand a piece of text, and how to organize lessons that support deeper comprehension. See how this instruction supports success on the new STAAR through engaging in authentic daily reading instruction.



Unit Internalization

The Unit Internalization Protocol provides a step-by-step process for understanding each unit prior to teaching, including what students will be learning, how students will be assessed, and the high-level arc of learning. By starting with unit internalization, teachers see how each lesson fits into the big picture prior to using the Lesson Internalization Protocol.
Lesson Internalization

The Lesson Internalization Protocol is the process by which teachers understand what students will learn in a specific lesson and how they will be assessed and make decisions about how to teach the lesson and support all students to be successful. The Lesson Internalization Protocol builds on the understanding of the overall unit/module/topic developed as part of the Unit/Module/Topic Internalization Protocol.
Lesson Rehearsal

Lesson rehearsal is an integral practice for developing strong teacher instruction of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and ensures that the “first teach is the best teach.” During lesson rehearsal, teachers will rehearse specific, challenging aspects of the lesson and walk away with tangible feedback from fellow teachers, a coach, and/ or a facilitator. Lesson rehearsal can be a collaborative planning meeting or it can be incorporated into other protocols, such as lesson internalization or observation feedback. The protocol can be used for quick practice or more in-depth practice. Lesson rehearsal is a facilitated process; the facilitator could be a coach, administrator, lead teacher, or other instructional staff member.
Student Work Analysis

Educators engage in a collaborative process to analyze student work, support development of skills, and improve learning. The Student Work Analysis protocol can be used to analyze student work samples individually or collaboratively with the goal of understanding students’ thinking, identifying strengths and progress toward mastery, and determining gaps in skills and knowledge. The protocol also supports the creation of a plan to take targeted action to support students’ development of skills and knowledge in future instruction.



Lesson Planning Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility
Identify the six steps of planning any lesson aligned to the rigor of the standard, follows the gradual release of responsibility, and establish assessment criteria.
High Quality Instructional Practice and Gradual Release of Responsibility
Review the components of the Gradual Release of Responsibility framework in the literacy classroom. Learn effective instructional strategies for modeling, guided practice, and independent practice in all areas of literacy instruction, including reading, word study, revising and editing, and writing.


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