Inclusive Practices Resources



Inclusive Practices During COVID-19


An infographic providing suggestions on how to provide inclusive supports for different learning environments.

Inclusive Strategies for Diverse
Learners in Action

Exemplar lessons from each content area showing how inclusive strategies for diverse learners can be embedded within lessons. (This is a companion to the Inclusive Strategies for Diverse Learners product)


A multitude of instructional strategies to utilize in supporting diverse learners in all classrooms. 

A PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction


When transitioning education online, it can be helpful to remember that the practices that are used in a physical classroom can work just as well in the virtual classroom. The first step in setting up any classroom is to define expected behaviors, which can be done most effectively through a behavior teaching matrix. This tool describes how to create a classroom teaching matrix for remote instruction.

TEA Technical Assistance Networks

Ten state technical assistance networks created in collaboration with TEA , to develop resources and supports for local education agencies across the state in building their capacity to develop and implement instructional programs and supports for students who receive Special Education Services.  Within each network, you will find guidance, resources and up-to-date information on how to best support students with disabilities.








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