Texas City ISD Jobs

Jobs - Title
Jobs - Location
Assistant Principal (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
 Assistant Principal- Elementary (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Special Education Coordinator of School and Academic Services (2024-2025)
Central Office
Teacher - Special Education-Inclusion (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Reading Interventionist- High School (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - English (2024 - 2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - Social Studies (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - Social Studies (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - Spanish (2024 - 2025)
Texas City High School
 Teacher- Math High School (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
High School Head Band Director
Texas City High School
Teacher - PT Teen Parenting (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - Social Studies (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - High School Math 2024-2025
Texas City High School
Teacher - High School Math (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher- Bilingual  (2024-2025)
Calvin Vincent Headstart
Teacher - Special Education-Autism (2024-2025)
Hayley Elementary
Teacher - Fourth Grade (2024-2025)
Guajardo Elementary
Librarian-Elementary (2024-2025)
Heights Elementary
Teacher -Special Education-Interim Placement/Refocus (2024-2025)
Heights Elementary
 Teacher- Second Grade (2024-2025)
Heights Elementary
Licensed Specialist School Psychology (2024-2025)
Heights Elementary
Teacher - Fourth Grade (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Teacher -Third Grade (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Elementary Counselor (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Teacher - Special Education- SILC (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Teacher - Fourth Grade ELAR (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Teacher - Fifth Grade ELAR (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Teacher - First Grade (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Instructional Specialist - Elementary K-Fifth Grade (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Teacher - Fourth Grade ELAR (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Teacher - Dyslexia (2024-2025)
Roosevelt-Wilson Elementary
Instructional Specialist- Elementary School (2024-2025)
Roosevelt-Wilson Elementary
Teacher - Second Grade  Bilingual (2024-2025)
Roosevelt-Wilson Elementary
Reading Interventionist - Fifth/Sixth Grade (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Instructional Specialist - Fifth/Sixth Grade Math Science (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Math Interventionist - 5th/6th Grade (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Sixth Grade Reading (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Instructional Specialist - Fifth/Sixth Rdg & SocSt (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Fifth Grade Math (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Sixth Grade Science (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Special Education Inclusion (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Sixth Grade Social Studies (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Fifth Grade Bilingual (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Sixth Grade Science (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Special Education Life Skills (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
Teacher - Eighth Grade ELA (2024-2025)
Blocker Middle School
Instructional Specialist- Middle School (2024-2025)
Blocker Middle School
Dean of Student Support (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
RLA/SS Instructional Specialist -(2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Teacher- Middle School Math (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Teacher - Social Studies (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Teacher - Math  (2024 -2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - Spanish (2024 - 2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - English (2024 - 2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - Special Education (BDP) (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - English (2024 - 2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - Math/Science (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - Math (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher- REACH (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Dean of Student Support (LMHS)- (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher - Math/Science (2024-2025)
Woodrow Wilson DAEP
Teacher - English/History (2024-2025)
Woodrow Wilson DAEP
Teacher - Fifth & Sixth Grade (2024-2025)
Woodrow Wilson DAEP
Licensed Specialist School Psychology (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Instructional Specialist- Elementary (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Network Administrator- (2024-2025)
Central Office
CTE Teacher - Agriculture/Welding  (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Instructional Aide - Special Education-Refocus (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Campus Safety Monitor (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Instructional Aide - Special Education (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Instructional Aide - P.E. Aide (2024-2025)
Calvin Vincent Headstart
Instructional Aide - Head Start Assistant (2024-2025)
Calvin Vincent Headstart
Instructional Aide - Special Education-Autism (2024-2025)
Hayley Elementary
Instructional Aide - PASS/BDP Special  (2024-2025)
Guajardo Elementary
Instructional Aide- Student Support/ISS (2024-2025))
Heights Elementary
Instructional Aide - Special Education-Interim Placement/Refocus (2024-2025)
Heights Elementary
Instructional Aide - Special Education Life Skills (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Cafeteria Monitor
Kohfeldt Elementary
Computer Lab Aide (2024-2025)
Kohfeldt Elementary
Instructional Aide - BDP (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Instructional Aide - Special Education LifeSkills (2024-2025))
Simms Elementary
Instructional Aide- LEAP Aide (2024-2025)
Simms Elementary
Instructional Aide - Special Education Life Skills (2024-2025)
Roosevelt-Wilson Elementary
Instructional Aide - Special Education (2024-2025)
Levi Fry Intermediate
ISS Aide (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
 Instructional Aide -ESL (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Life Skills Aide- (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Intervener for Student with Deaf-Blindness (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Instructional Aide - Reach (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Instructional Aide - Life Skills/Special Education (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
ELL - Instructional Aide (Bilingual Required) (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Instructional Aide - Special Education - Inclusion (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Instructional Aide - Special Education - Inclusion (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Attendance Clerk
La Marque High School
Registrar- (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Nurse Substitute
Assigned Campus
Substitutes (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Teacher- Coach/Girls Soccer (2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher - Spanish 2024-2025)
Texas City High School
Teacher- Physical Education /Coach (2024-2025)
Giles Middle School
Teacher- Social Studies /Coach (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Teacher- Inclusion/Coach (2024-2025)
La Marque High School
Director of Business Services (2024-2025)
Central Office
District Instructional Technologist (2024-2025)
Central Office
Director of Fine Arts (2024-2025)
Central Office
Nutrition Services Substitute Workers/Cashiers
Substitute Crossing Guard (2024-2025)
Custodian (2024-2025)
Part - Time Custodian (24hrs/week)
Lead Custodian
Hayley Elementary
Extended School Year (ESY) Professional Staff (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Extended School Year (ESY) Paraprofessional Staff (2024-2025)
Assigned Campus
Bus Aide
Bus Driver
Class C Bus Driver (2024-2025)
Vehicle Mechanic - Transportation
Fleet Manager / Shop Foreman- Transportation (2024 - 2025)
Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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