Start Your Career

  • Teachers Change lives, including their own. Learn more about the Teacher Certification Program
  • Lead the Next Generation Become a Principal. Online Principal Certification Program
  • Learn more about the Counselor Certification Program
  • Learn more about our Superintendent Certification Program
  • Aspiring Superintendent and Leadership Academy
  • International Teacher Certification Information Meeting, May 23, 2024

How We Can Help?

Have you been asking yourself how to become a teacher?


Region 4 Inspire Texas offers alternative teacher certification programs. It is here for you as you embark on your path to certification and, ultimately, the professional ranks of educators in Texas school districts and charter schools.


Our staff includes Texas teachers, principals, counselors, and superintendents who possess a wealth of experience in the classroom and act as mentors to aspiring educators. Program certification recipients may attend Region 4 Inspire Texas job fairs, workshops, and conferences throughout the year.


At Region 4 Inspire Texas, we help candidates choose a program in which they will be successful. When you are changing careers from a position in the corporate world to a teacher, we can help prepare you to make this transition. Through our alternative teacher certification program and online teacher certification programs, we offer the highest quality instruction.

Our staff is ready to answer questions, solve problems immediately, and help create enthusiastic and well-prepared candidates prepared to start in the classroom and have a wonderful experience. Contact us today if you are considering enrolling in state teacher certification programs. We can help guide you into the right program and help you start your journey toward becoming a great teacher!



We Can Help You Become a Teacher Today!

Your success as a Region 4 Inspire Texas alum positively impacts our children, entire communities, and beyond. Having trained more than 15,000 educators since 1990, our passion for preparing teachers, principals, and superintendents in the 21st century strengthens. With Region 4 Inspire Texas, you will have the tools—and the support—to make a difference.


If you're asking yourself how to become a teacher, please get in touch with us for more information about starting your teaching career today!


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Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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