Reading by Design Professional Learning



Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design®

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current research, as well as best practices in dyslexia instruction. Delve into evidence-based components of instruction and explore continuums for developing reading ability in students with dyslexia. Learn how to deliver daily intervention utilizing Reading by Design®, a systematic, explicit, and intensive reading program. Participants will receive the entire Reading by Design® program with supplemental resources necessary for small-group instruction. 


Upcoming start dates for these 5-day Training sessions are as follows. All sessions are virtual, except where listed below. Register by date using the links below:



Reading by Design® Bridge Training
This two-day training is for interventionists who are certified in other dyslexia intervention programs and would like to learn the Reading by Design® program. Participants will review best practices in dyslexia intervention as they bridge this knowledge to the Reading by Design® program. 




Getting Ready for Reading by Design®—Introduction to Volume 0

This class is part of a series of Reading by Design® intervention trainings. This course will introduce participants to Volume 0- Getting Ready for Reading by Design®, a volume of 20 lessons designed for students who need extra support with foundational skills. This material is designed to support foundational literacy before beginning a program like Reading by Design®.  Lesson components include phonological awareness, alphabet, fine motor, oral language, and components of language.  Participants will receive as part of this training Volume 0, an alphabet deck, a feelings poster, and a set of vocabulary picture cards. 


All sessions are virtual, except where listed below. Register by date using the links below:






Reading by Design-Implementation Series: Internalization and Rehearsal

Dyslexia interventionists, dyslexia instructional coaches, and dyslexia leads who have completed Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design five-day training may want additional support with internalizing at the volume and lesson levels as well as additional opportunities to rehearse high-leverage components in the RbD lesson cycle. This session will include guide documents on the process of internalization and rehearsal of the Reading by Design program. During this professional development session, participants will gain insight into high-leverage lesson components, key instructional moves, and opportunities to practice what has been internalized within volumes 1 and 2. The implementation series will be offered by volume.


Reading by Design®—Delving Deeper Workshop Series

These trainings are part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed Reading by Design® training and wish to delve deeper into the specific components of the program. Participants must have completed Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design® OR Reading by Design® Bridge prior to attending this training.


Foundations of Written Composition
Participants will explore the stages of typical writing development, as well as understand phrases, dependent clauses, independent clauses, and the construction of sentences.  
Instructional Decision Making
Participants will explore how to meet individual student needs using data results. Considerations for twice-exceptional and emergent bilingual students will be explored followed by case studies.
Components of Language
This course will delve deeper into the Components of Language part of the lesson cycle.  Additional scaffolds and multisensory techniques will be shared.
Advanced Decoding and Syllable Division
Revisit the six syllable types, the steps to word division, and coding concepts. Additional scaffolds and multisensory techniques will be shared.
Successful Implementation in the Secondary Classroom
Explore making adjustments to the program based upon the age and interest levels of the secondary student.


Explore Greek and Latin roots, affixes, and how these morphemes are identified to assist with reading, spelling, and vocabulary acquisition.  Participants are encouraged to bring Volume 5 to the training. 

Polishing Our Practice
Participants will review lesson components while reflecting on current intervention practices. Delivery method fundamentals associated with each component will be reviewed with time-saving tips and management techniques woven throughout the session.
Spelling and Phoneme-Grapheme Mapping
Participants will revisit the SOS procedure, spelling rules, use of the Linking Spelling to Reading Dictionary, and go deeper with phoneme-grapheme mapping.



Adapting Reading by Design (Specially Designed Instruction)

Special education teachers will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and delivery of instruction (specially designed instruction) of Reading by Design: An Individualized Literacy Intervention. Teachers will learn how to adapt this program for students identified through IDEA as having the reading disability of dyslexia.


All sessions are virtual, except where listed below. Register by date using the links below:




Reading by Design® Administrator Training (Virtual On-Demand Session)
This training is for administrators who will be observing and evaluating teachers using the
Reading by Design® dyslexia intervention. A brief overview of the program will be shared, as well as an observation document and the opportunity to view a model lesson. Learn more about this session and register here.



For more information about Reading by Design®, e-mail




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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