Texas Instructional Leadership

Deborah Rivera
TIL Team Lead
Texas Instructional Leadership logo and banner
Texas Instructional Leadership is in its fourth year in Region 4.  Through Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL), we provide training and support to campus and district leaders to help build the capacity of the educators they manage.  Campus leadership teams and their principal supervisor attend three to five cycles of face-to-face training on key instructional leadership levers.  In between the face-to-face trainings, Region 4 provides in-person support to district leaders as they implement their learnings to improve student achievement.
TIL at Region 4 is approved by TEA as a State Approved Provider (SAP), formerly known as Vetted Improvement Program (VIP).

Training Topics

Data-Driven Instruction
This training will equip administrators with the skills and tools necessary to facilitate and coach data meetings. Topics covered in this training include: breaking down the knowledge and skills required to master the TEKS, analyzing student work samples, and supporting teachers in making and executing reteach plans to quickly and effectively close learning gaps.
This training guides administrators in developing strong systems and routines for regular support of teachers through short-cycle observation and feedback.  It provides a strong framework for developing teacher skill in feedback meetings and tools that enable consistent follow-through.
Schoolwide Culture Routines
Administrators will learn to create student culture routines to establish a positive student culture.  They will also learn how to create monitoring systems to ensure a consistent and supportive learning environment for all.
Lesson Alignment and Formative Assessment
Administrators will learn how to lead teachers to plan aligned, rigorous lessons that include distinct daily objectives and a daily formative assessment.  Then, administrators will learn how to establish systems that support weekly monitoring and coaching of lesson alignment.  Additionally, administrators will be able to guide teachers to utilize formative data to develop weekly assessments.

Upcoming Trainings

We are currently recruiting districts interested in joining Texas Instructional Leadership at Region 4 for the 2024–2025 school year.  District leaders interested in learning more about TIL should contact Deborah Rivera, Texas Instructional Leadership Team Lead, at Deborah.Rivera@esc4.net.
Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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