School Improvement/Effective Schools Framework

Effective Schools Framework graphic
The Region 4 School Improvement Team supports district and campus leaders as they implement the Effective Schools Framework (ESF), implement state-required accountability interventions, and engage in other continuous improvement activities.  The team supports public school districts, public charter schools, and campuses in the following ways:
  • Case Managers: Every School Improvement-engaged campus has an assigned case manager to support creation, implementation, and monitoring of their Targeted Improvement Plans (TIPs).
  • Required Training: ESF Overview and Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) Development sessions in August, September, and October for school leaders who are required to attend as part of accountability interventions
  • Additional Training: Sessions throughout the year for all leaders who want to deepen their understanding of the ESF or TIP development process (see below for details)
  • ESF Diagnostic Process: Facilitating the ESF Diagnostic Process for campuses that are required to complete the process and those that request a diagnostic
  • District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) Leadership Network:  Connecting DCSIs throughout Region 4 to share best practices and build capacity (Flyer with meeting details
  • Customized Support: Training, guidance, and coaching for district and campus leaders in ESF-aligned school improvement strategies by district request

Upcoming Training

See the DSS Workshops page for a full list.

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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