Deborah Rivera
TIL Team Lead
Essential Action Lever Support (EALS) is a program through which training and support is provided to principals, their instructional leadership teams, and principal supervisors to build capacity for creating and implementing systems for the following:
- roles and responsibilities
- change management
- observation and feedback
- academic monitoring
Following each cycle of professional development, principals will receive implementation support, one-on-one coaching, and ongoing feedback. Throughout an EALS engagement, principals and their principal supervisors will be provided opportunities to collaborate on their progress related to EALS and plan for sustained implementation.
EALS at Region 4 is approved by TEA as a State Approved Provider (SAP), formerly known as Vetted Improvement Program (VIP).
Training Approach
With EALS, we believe it is essential to take an asset-based approach and leverage the elements already in place on your campus. Through the pre-meeting and artifact review, your Region 4 EALS coach will ensure that the training is tailored to your needs. Participants have time throughout each of the training sessions to reflect on their levels of implementation and revise artifacts, as needed, to ensure alignment with the ESF success criteria for foundational Essential Action 1.1.
Upcoming Cohorts
We are currently recruiting districts interested in joining an Essential Action Lever Support cohort for the 2024-2025 school year. District leaders interested in learning more about EALS for their campuses should contact Deborah Rivera, TIL Team Lead: