Instructional Coaching


Partnering for Growth

Instructional Coaching custom developed to increase student achievement



Instructional Coaching provides an individualized professional development opportunity using the coaching cycle:
  • setting personal growth goals,
  • planning for evidence-based practices,
  • fostering reflective practices,
  • providing feedback,
  • modeling effective teaching, and/or
  • participating in professional learning communities.
Optimal Instructional Coaching Framework utilizes traditional face-to-face, video, and remote coaching options as part of a package of services that also includes:
  • Meeting with administration to identify program goals
  • Conducting a needs assessment with partner teachers
  • Observing partner teachers
  • Providing professional development that aligns to goals and needs assessment
  • Supporting teachers in the implementation of new learning through instructional coaching




View our current professional development calendar for Instructional coaching here.



Coaching options available from Region 4 Education Service Center include:


Traditional Instructional Coaching

The instructional coach builds educator capacity in a face-to-face format by using the coaching cycle to foster reflective practices and improve instructional effectiveness for greater student engagement and learning.


Video-Based Instructional Coaching

The instructional coach engages in the coaching cycle with the educator in a face-to-face format; however, observation sessions are video-recorded to foster evidence-based reflections. The coach and the educator view the sessions together to identify areas for refinement and to guide future lesson planning.

Remote Instructional Coaching

The instructional coach engages in the coaching cycle through a web-based environment. Observation sessions are video-recorded to foster evidence-based reflection and dialogue between coach and educator, which occurs on a digital learning platform.



Blended Instructional Coaching

Rapport is established through one or two face-to-face coaching sessions. Subsequent coaching sessions are conducted through a Remote Instructional Coaching approach.



Teachers, coaches, or instructional leaders can benefit from instructional coaching. To learn more, contact one of Region 4 Education Service Center's experts at:




Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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