Program Cost and Fees

Region 4 Inspire Texas teacher training includes a built-in network of education professionals who contribute not only to your preparation as a teacher but also to professional development throughout your career in education. Unlike many other programs, Region 4 Inspire Texas provides more than just training. Your fees include expert instructor-led coursework and Quality Matters© certified curriculum, class cohorts, mentorships, free job fairs, the ability to certify in other areas of education, and direct resources from our parent organization—Region 4 Education Service Center. 


Upon acceptance into our program, you have the option of paying your pre-service training fee in monthly installments. The remaining balance is not due until you land your first teaching job (Internship or Clinical Teaching). We do our best to provide affordable solutions for you while you're on your journey to getting your teacher certification.



Self-Guided Structure

Instructor Led Asynchronous Structure

Hybrid Structure

Open Enrollment

August Enrollment Only

June Enrollment Only

Pathway A
Pre-Classroom Training with a
Two Semester Paid Internship Experience

Pathway B
Pre-Classroom Training with a
Two Semester Paid Residency Experience

Pathway C
Pre-Classroom Training with a
One Semester Unpaid Clinical Teaching Experience

Pathway D
Pre-Classroom Training with a
Two Semester Paid Internship Experience

Pathway E
Pre-Classroom Training
4-Day Week
8-Week Program

Quality Matters™ certified self-guided online courses
Onsite and Technology Based Field based experience hours
Subscription to 240 Tutoring or Certify Teacher
Enrollment in test preparation courses
One school year (75,600 minutes) placement
Full Salary and Employee Benefits
Internship start dates between August-March
Assigned a campus mentor
Assigned a highly effective field supervisor for coaching and support
Readiness profile shared with districts
Internship matching support
Quality Matters™ certified self-guided ​online courses
Onsite and Technology Based Field based experience hours
Subscription to 240 Tutoring or Certify Teacher
Enrollment in test preparation courses
One full school year (750 hours) placement
Paired with cooperating teacher
Partial Salary and Employee Benefits
Available for a fall (August/September) or spring (January) start date
Learn at the speed of quality
Assigned a highly effective field supervisor for coaching and support
Readiness profile shared with districts
Residency matching support
Quality Matters™ certified self- guided online courses
Onsite and Technology Based Field based experience hours
Subscription to 240 Tutoring or Certify Teacher
Enrollment in test preparation courses
490 hours (the equivalent of 70 school days) placement
Paired with  a cooperating teacher
Available for a fall (August/September) or spring (January) start date
Assigned a highly effective field supervisor for coaching and support
Readiness profile shared with districts
Clinical experience matching support
Quality Matters™ certified asynchronous online courses
Onsite and Technology Based Field based experience hours
Subscription to 240 Tutoring or Certify Teacher
Enrollment in test preparation courses
One school year (75,600 minutes) placement
Full Salary and Employee Benefits
Internship start dates between August-March
Assigned a campus mentor
Assigned a highly effective field supervisor for coaching and support
Readiness profile shared with districts
Internship matching support
Quality Matters™ certified asynchronous online courses paired with synchronous in person instruction
Onsite and Technology Based Field based experience hours
Subscription to 240 Tutoring or Certify Teacher
Enrollment in test preparation courses

$100    Application Fee *
$5200 Paid in Full
$5484 Installment Plan**

$100   Application Fee *
$4295  Paid in Full
$4545  Installment Plan**

$100    Application Fee*
$3600 One Price Model***

$100  Application Fee*
$5500 Paid in Full
$5900 Installment Plan*

$100   Application Fee
$1500 Paid in Full
$1600 Installment Plan****

*The application fee is non-refundable. The application fee is reimbursed after creating an account with Teach for Houston and submitting the receipt.

**Pay $100 per month until you start your paid Internship or Residency. Once the internship or residency begins, the remainder of your pathway fee will be paid in interest-free installments over nine months.
***Pay $100 per month until you start your Clinical teaching experience. Once the clinical teaching assignment begins, payments can be made once or twice a month over four months.
**** Three monthly installments or five bi-weely installments

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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