Program Cost and Fees

Region 4 Inspire Texas allows you to pay for your training while pursuing your career goals. Upon acceptance into our program, you have the flexibility to pay your principal training costs in 12 easy installments!



Application fee  $100
Program Training and Supervision Fee $6,500.00




Additional State Certification Costs

TExES 268  $200
PASL – Performance Assessment for School Leaders  $375
Standard Principal Certificate application fee $78

Intern Principal Certificate (This is only if required for a position during the program)



Note: Administrators who appraise teachers under the state-approved T-TESS must participate in: 

  • T-TESS (Appraiser Training) 
  • AEL (Advancing Educational Leadership)



Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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