Public Information Request

Requests for existing publicly available information will be fulfilled, but a request does not require Region 4 to create new information, perform legal searches, or answer general questions.


Requests for Comments: Members of the media should send requests for comments to the Chief of Strategic Communications and Engagement, Stephanie Noriega, at


To expedite responses, please include the following information:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • A specific description of the requested information
  • How responsive information, if available, should be sent
​Requests for Information: Download our Public Information Request form, complete the document, and return the completed form using one of the submission methods outlined below.
Submit requests for public information in person; by USPS mail, fax, or email.
  • Use the following address for USPS mail:
    Region 4 Education Service Center
    Public Information Request
    Attention: Julie Hill
    7145 West Tidwell Road
    Houston, Texas, 77092-2096
  • Fax: 713.744.0688
  • Email: 
    Please type "Public Information Request" in the subject line.
Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code provides the authority for a member of the public to access publicly available information. However, certain information is protected from disclosure under the exceptions in the Act and other constitutional, statutory, or judicial decisions.  
More information about Public Information Requests can be found in the resources below:
Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in September of 2024.
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