About Region 4

Message from the Executive Director


20240629drwatson-52The 2023–2024 academic year was transformative for the Region 4 Education Service Center (Region 4). We completed major renovations of the McKinney Conference Center to offer a state-of-the-art experience for every guest who visits our service center, and we adopted a new and modern logo.
We supported superintendents who grappled with the complex challenges of ensuring excellent and equitable outcomes for all students amid escalating expectations and shrinking resources. To gain a deeper understanding of the needs of the superintendents in our region, I visited with them all. From the newly appointed to the highly experienced, my leadership team and I examined and assessed the leaders’ greatest needs.
We focused intently on developing robust strategies to help our superintendents reach their organizational goals and drive impactful change within their districts. We recognized that Region 4 exists to be the trusted partner and support system for our superintendents, empowering them to increase the number of high-performing campuses in their districts.
Our District Advancement Champions understand the immense responsibility that rests on our superintendents’ shoulders. Guided by our specialized knowledge and skills, we are committed to providing exceptional and expert-led professional learning opportunities, TEKS-aligned educational products, and comprehensive services designed to strengthen the infrastructure of our local education agencies.
Our Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Strategic District Support; and Educator Development, Transformation, and Organizational Culture have thoughtfully cultivated rich, results-driven cultures across our region. This work has made us a trusted partner within our community, state, and nation. We firmly believe every educator deserves a District Advancement Champion they can rely on.
As we move forward, we remain committed to innovating solutions for K–12 education while honoring the tradition of excellence that Region 4 has long embodied. We possess the essential tools and resources to ensure the success of every local education agency, and we are privileged to be their partners in achieving educational excellence.
Rodney E. Watson, PhD
Executive Director, Region 4 ESC




About Region 4 Education Service Center

Region 4 Education Service Center (Region 4), located in Houston, Texas, is one of 20 regional education service centers established by the Texas Legislature in 1967. The purpose of the service centers, is to assist school districts in improving student performance, to enable school districts to operate more efficiently and economically, and to implement initiatives assigned by the Texas Legislature or Commissioner of Education.

As the largest Texas education service center, Region 4 provides services to 48 school districts and 43 charter schools, representing more than 1.2 million students and 111,000 professional educators. Region 4 provides nationally recognized professional development; technical assistance services; and high-quality, economical products for school districts and charter schools.

The Region 4 Board of Directors and staff are committed to the continuous improvement of all services and programs to support customer district initiatives for student achievement.


School Districts (by County)


Open-Enrollment Charter Schools


Region 4 Demographics

Map of Region 4



In conformity with Tex. Educ. Code §28.002, resources and services provided by Region 4 Education Service Center for Texas schools are aligned with, and designed to support, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) adopted by the State Board of Education.



Our Purpose and Commitment


The purpose of regional education service centers, as established by the Texas Legislature, is to—


  • Assist school districts in improving student performance
  • Enable school districts to operate more efficiently and economically
  • Implement initiatives as assigned by the Texas Legislature or Commissioner of Education

In fulfilling our mission set forth by the state, Region 4 commits to embodying a vision that guides us in our aim for excellence.


Region 4 Goals 

Goal 1: Improve student achievement
Goal 2: Provide efficient fiscal management and effective stewardship
Goal 3: Build collaborative relationships and partnerships
Goal 4: Promote a supportive and productive work environment

Region 4 Leadership


Rodney Watson, PhD
Executive Director


Center for Educator Development, Transformation, and Organizational Culture

Julie Hill, JD

Deputy Executive Director


Center for Excellence in Teaching

and Learning

Jennifer Brock, EdD


Center for Strategic District Support

Kelly Ingram, EdD

Deputy Executive Director


Finance and Business Services 

Jorgannie Carter


Strategic Communications
and Engagement
Stephanie Noriega


Technology and Operations Services

Jeff Kohrman

Chief, Technology and Operations


View the Region 4 Organization Chart



Region 4 Receives Financial Reporting Award


For the 28th consecutive year, Region 4 has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association and Association of School Business Officials International, respectively.

These certificates are awarded to state and local governments that go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to prepare comprehensive annual financial reports that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. The goal of these programs is to ensure that users of the financial statements have the information necessary to determine the financial health of the organization.

Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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