Texas Home Learning



To support districts and campuses in the Region 4 area, we offer a suite of services to build capacity in the implementation of High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM). Teaching Strategies, Amplify, and Eureka Math implementation support services include campus and district-level support with technical assistance, coaching, and professional learning.
Implementing HQIM with fidelity and integrity is a complex issue. Our intent is to provide educators, administrative staff, and support staff with information, guidance, and helpful resources that simplify and clarify processes prior to, during, and after adopting the following curriculums: Teaching Strategies (PreK), Amplify (K-5), and Eureka Math (K-5).




Meet Our Team

Contact us at your earliest convenience using the information below. We look forward to partnering with you!


Brandy Alexander

Implementation Specialist - Teaching Strategies PreK, Amplify K–5

713.744.8152  |  Email

Camille King

Implementation Specialist - Eureka Math K–5

713.744.6889  |  Email




*NEW* TEA Internalization Guides for Current THL Products PK–12

Includes both Teacher and Coach Guides


Internalization Guides




Our Services


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For additional product offerings, please see the TEA Available Materials link below.





TEA Available Materials


TEA provides districts and educators with direct access to an optional set of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed especially for Texas. Two types of materials are available to local education agencies (LEAs):

  • Core products: full sets of materials designed to cover 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in a grade level/band
  • Supplemental products: materials not designed to cover 100% of the TEKS but that complement, enrich, or extend supports in a particular subject and grade band
Full details available on the TEA website.


Main Office
Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
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